Monday, June 14, 2021

By Any Other Name


Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.  To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna.  I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it. ~Revelation 2:17

Mom's rehab hospital is located in the quaint and quiet town of Monticello (the "c" is pronounced like an "s"), Georgia.  Before we embark on our first journey to visit with Mom, my husband, Danny, researches the various eateries located there.  Yes!  There is, amazingly, a restaurant called Martha Jane's!  With a name like that, you know we have to try it out.

Good ol' Southern cooking, downhome and unpretentious.

The meals are so delicious, we make several repeat visits, and aren't disappointed once.  I even introduce myself to the manager and staff, who can't get over the fact that my name is the same as the establishment's.  It's also a great opportunity for me to hand out bookmarks, with my name on them, of course, to anyone interested in ordering books from The Glade Series and Adventures in The Glade.*

Truth be told, it's taken many years for me to actually warm up to and actually like my given name.  My parents and relatives always call me by both names, though I insist my friends call me either Martha or Marty.  Seems a bit foolish now.  Does it really matter what earthly name we bear?

One day, when we are reunited with the Lord, we will be given the name by which He has always known us.  Do you ever wonder what that name might be?  Whatever it is, I'm convinced it will bring a closeness to God that we have never before imagined, or could have possibly realized on this earth.

What could be better than that?


*If you are not familiar with my novels, you can email me through my  website with your mailing address.  I will be happy to send you the first two books for free!

Update on Mom:  She has been fluctuating between feeling/doing well and sliding backwards.  As of Monday, she is doing remarkably well, having walked, with assistance, down the ward hall and back to her room.  If Mom can continue on this path, she should be able to come home sooner than later, with constant help, of course.  A lot also depends on if she can stay hydrated without the aid of an IV; her recent bout with that infusion caused the pneumonia to make a comeback, as her lungs began to fill up.  We are also facing some insurance issues, so your continued prayers are truly appreciated!


  1. Well Martha Jane...You still have my prayers and thoughts.

    1. Thank you, Bill; we sure need them!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Still praying for your Mother. I know this is very hard for you, especially from a distance. So happy you found "your" very own restaurant there, and that the food was so good! Looks like a great little place to eat. I love your name, "Martha Jane" is very southern and sweet! Like you! And yes, I do wonder what our names will be in heaven...haven't really given it much thought until you just mentioned it. That will be wonderful to discover...the love-name that Jesus knows us by. Wow, what a beautiful thought. Thank you for this update today. We'll keep praying.

    1. Thanks for your continued prayers, Pamela, they mean so much! Yes, Martha Jane is such a Southern sounding name; the irony is, my parents both hailed from Massachusetts, where double names are quite uncommon. Maybe, they had a feeling they'd end up south of the Mason-Dixon line one day, and I would fit in better with that name. Who knows?
      Love and blessings!

  3. In the midst of stress, there's nothing like finding a blessing like Martha Jane's.

    1. You know it, Glynn! Yes, our stress levels are kind of off the charts right now, but we're managing with God's help.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I'll continue to pray for your Mom and all of you.

    Great idea to use this opportunity to publicise your books at the restaurant. Good marketing. Please let me know if there's also a restaurant with my name.

    I once asked a priest how would we look like in Heaven. As we are when we die, or as I was when young and handsome? Because some people may know my name, but if they have not met me since I was young, they would not recognise me now!

    The priest looked at me and said, "they'll recognise you all right!!!"

    God bless.

    1. Lol, Victor, what a funny, and cute, story you've shared here! Yes, that was a perfect opportunity to share with others about my books, and the food was great, too. Thanks for your continued prayers, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  5. When I fist saw the photo I was ready to comment that I had no idea you had a restaurant lol. That's really something that you found that place and you can't go wrong with good southern cooking. I'm glad you have been enjoying it. Continued thoughts and prayers for your mom.

    1. No restaurant for me, Martha, though Danny's such a great chef, he could certainly run any kitchen. Nope! Too much work when you're supposed to be retired. Thanks for your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  6. What a crazy coincidence! That sign, "Casual baked Southern Food" would draw me right inside. I adore fried okra and this photo has my mouth watering. Pear salad? Gosh, I didn't think anyone still did that!

    Now I wonder what name He might choose. I, too, was never fond of my given name; now I appreciate it's a bit unusual. Like good Southerners, our dogs have double names that I call them by all the time: Macie Ann and Grace Evelyn. Our neighbors probably think I'm nuts. Ha!

    Prayers lifted for your mom, and those pesky insurance issues, too.

    1. The fried okra at Martha Jane's was some of the best I've ever eaten, Myra. Yes, you would love it! I think it's great that you call you dogs by double names - yes, it is so very Southern, but as I mentioned to Pamela above, the irony of my name is that my parents were Yankees, and being called by two names up that way is extremely rare.
      Thanks for the prayers, too!
      Love and blessings!

  7. I love it! Looks like meals I'd expect to share with you and Mr. Danny any night of the week at home. :-) I love fine southern ladies with two names; it just works. God's blessings ma'am; and praying for all y'all and your mama each day.

    1. It does work, J. D., and I do so love my name as I've gotten older. Wish we could all share a downhome meal, too. Maybe, one day . . .
      Thanks for the prayers!
      Love and blessings!

    2. I like your name, Mary Jane. I love shoes and everytime I hear your name I think of those adorable little Mary Jane shoes. I believe you are probably as cute and adorable as they are. It would be interesting to know what our heavenly name will be. I pray your mom will continue to improve. Hugs and blessings.

    3. Thanks, Nells, for your kind words here and for your prayers for Mom!
      Love and blessings!

  8. The food at Martha Jane's looks yummy! I'm so glad to hear about mom's recovery process. And what a wonderful scripture. Yes, I wonder what my Heaven name will be.

    1. It will be quite the day when our heavenly name is revealed, Beckie. And yes, the food was delicious! Praying for you, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  9. What fun to find that restaurant AND to discover the food was worthy of the name! Love how God has supplied you with smiles in the midst of the stress, and praying right now for continued progress for your mom--oh, and the insurance issues would iron themselves out!

    1. Thanks so much for the prayers, Nancy. Yes, this place did offer smiles in the midst of stress, and we are so grateful for that respite.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Dearest Martha Jane,
    What a nice and most welcome gem you found, baring your very name!
    Glad that you enjoy their food. Would opt for the okras as I do love them and they're so healthy.
    Hoping that your Mom will soon be steady and ready to go home.
    You don't need more problems being thrown at you... like insurance related.
    Life is never easy, especially the final stretch of it; for walking alongside our loved ones.

    1. Life isn't easy any time, Mariette, I agree. But it does become more difficult when caring for an aging parent. Thank you for your kind words and your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  11. I continue to pray for your mom daily, Martha. What fun to find a restaurant with your name and excellent that the food is good enough for return visits! I've never liked my "legal" name (Teresa) either but it is what it is... Terri is much better, but it will be amazing to know what our Heavenly name really is! xo

    1. Yes, the restaurant was like an oasis in a desert of stress, Terri. And I must admit, I prefer Terri over Teresa, too. Just sounds so friendly and less formal. One day, we'll know our heavenly name.
      Thanks so much for your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Praying dear Martha esp re pennies and insurance, medical expenses are like that but kniw we are blessed to have medical help too.
    Praying mum soon well enough to be in care at home.
    Loved hearing re your name eatery. So funny, can understand your fascination, I once ate at Sharon’s Lunchbox for the same reason.
    However whenever I get to bit in Revelation re our new name being written on a white stone in heaven it truly does catch my interest, pique my curiosity, indeed He shall make ALL THINGS NEW! How good is our God to we who are so unworthy.
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. God is so good to us, Shaz, unworthy as we are. Good to know, too, that your real name is Sharon - that's a beautiful name, my friend, and I'm sure our heavenly names will be more beautiful than we could imagine. Thank you so much for your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  13. The food looks so yummy at Martha Jane's restaurant! And whay a lovely name! Continued prayers for your mom and your family.

    1. The food was excellent, Karen. Thanks for your continued prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  14. You are in my prayers and what a delight to find that restaurant!!

    1. Thank you, Jean! And yes, the restaurant is a special place.
      Love and blessings!


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  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...