Monday, June 7, 2021

By Streams of Water


That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither - whatever they do prospers. ~Psalm 1:3

Do you recall the photo above?  It's taken when our deck plants are first given their new homes with as much love and care as we can muster.  We hope that all our efforts will be a blessing for these newbies who simply long for a chance to live and flourish.

To prosper.  Just as the Lord intended.

A week spent at Oxford, away from our plant babies, produces so much new growth, we can hardly believe it.

The impatiens plants are busting out all over.  Nothing is keeping them down!

And remember how we were promised possible blooms on the sedum?  Well, here they are!

Our other sedum, we think, is a male plant because no blossoms are forming on it.  Still, it's gorgeous in this photo taken by Danny, with raindrops adorning its fronds.

The Petunia Amore has come back to resonating life after a heavy rainstorm damaged its blossoms.

And are you ready for the hydrangea's gender reveal?  Yes?  Well, here it is!

A gorgeous blue to add even more color to the pink/magenta/yellow floral displays on our deck.

After a long, tough week of residing in Oxford in order to be able to visit my mother, coming home to these welcoming blooms gives us much comfort and joy.  I am reminded that when God plants us by streams of His living water, we will all yield fruit in due season, and our leaves that spread the love of His kingdom will neither wither nor fade.

God is always there, willing and able to help us move forward in hope in spite of the seemingly hopeless moments we face.  It is in the moment, the one right there before us, that we can best realize His love for us, and His eternal care.

May each and every one of us bloom where God has planted us.  May His streams of mercy never fail.


Update on Mom:  My brother and his daughter visited with Mom for the last several days.  She had her lucid moments, but was also imagining people who weren't there in the room.  When Danny and I visited with her today, Mom was still sleepy from the Benedryl she was given the night before to help her rest.  We couldn't manage to carry on any conversation.  The doctor called us later today and said she is taking Mom off any sleep-inducing drugs for the time being.  We also learned that she has developed shingles, and is on antibiotics for that now.  The pneumonia has disappeared, and that's good news, but she is facing an uphill battle if she is ever to be able to come home.  Your prayers are so appreciated, my friends!


  1. Praying for your Mom and for you all, Martha.

    God bless.

  2. It is definitely no fun getting old. But my prayers are with your mom as well as you and Danny. May you know His comfort and wisdom as you navigate these tough times. Love you both.

    1. Thank you, Bill - these are tough times, but we're leaning into God for strength.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Your plants/flowers are so lovely...they are flourishing under God's wonderful care in your absence! What a blessing! I will continue praying for your Mom. I am sorry she now has shingles...that is so painful and miserable. Praying they can keep her comfortable while she heals. Yes, it is very hard to see our loved ones going through these things and feel so helpless to really be able to help them. May the Lord be very gracious unto your sweet mother and also to you, and give you peace of mind knowing He is in control. (((hugs)))

    1. I'm glad you liked seeing the flowers, Pamela. Thanks so much for your prayers, too, as they mean the world to us at this time.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Praying for you and your mom, Martha.

    1. Thank you, Glynn. We really need them!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Your flowers are all so beautiful! I'm sorry it's been one thing after the other with your mom. Sending hugs and prayers.

    1. Glad you enjoyed seeing the flowers, Martha, and thanks so much for the hugs and prayers.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Your deck pot plants are most rewarding and what a welcome home that is to nature's miracles!
    Is your Mom in Oxford, GA or in Oxford, NC?
    The distance makes quite a difference for you and your brother!
    Shingles is no fun either, my Mom had it for quite a while. Both, Pieter and I have had our shingles shot, let's hope that keeps us from ever getting them.
    Indeed, your Mom's condition shows that she is very much prone to a range of infections and diseases, due to a weakened immune system. Infection pressure inside a hospital is higher than at home, stress levels no doubt are higher, regardless her initiative stage of whatever it will be labeled. Her body is fighting hard for healing and for fending off new attacks. Prayers indeed are powerful and also much needed. May she soon be able to return home as that environment is the very best for her to heal.
    Big hugs,

    1. Luckily, the rehab facility mom is staying in is small and the care is exquisite, Mariette. Yes, she lives in Oxford, GA, and we are staying at her house so we can more easily get to the rehab place to visit. Today, she seemed a bit better, and that was encouraging. Thanks for all your prayers and encouraging words, too!
      Love and blessings!

    2. You're more than welcome dear blogger friend! 💞

  7. Oh m'gosh ... not shingles, too? Amping up my prayers right NOW.
    Your deck's plants are truly amazing. Cracking up about the hydrangea's gender reveal!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the hydrangea's gender reveal, Myra. Thankfully, Mom isn't in any pain with the shingles, and was much more lucid today when we visited her. She has a long row to hoe, but we are hopeful and thankful for all the prayers.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I am praying for your Mom and for you, sweet friend. Trusting the Lord will lay His healing hand on her and allow her to come home and resume her life. God bless all of you.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl, for your prayers. I do hope that God's plan is to heal and restore her, but right now, it's a wait and see.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Your mom and all of you are in my prayers, Martha. It is so hard to witness such sad declines in those we love. I am glad your plants are happy and showing their love to you! Beautiful blooms. xo

    1. Yes, Terri, those plants are such a bright spot in an otherwise difficult time for all of us. Thanks so much for your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  10. I'd say God took good care of your plants while you were away taking care of your mom. They are beautiful. But I'm so sorry to hear your mom has shingles now. :( Praying for her healing and for your peace and rest, Martha.

    1. God certainly did do an excellent job of tending to our plants while we were away, Lisa. Thank you for your prayers; Mom does have shingles, but remarkably, has no pain from them.
      Love and blessings!

  11. "God is always there, willing and able to help us move forward in hope in spite of the seemingly hopeless moments we face." Amen! Your plants are so beautiful, Martha, and I can imagine what hope they bring to you. Love and blessings of strength and peace to you both and your mom!

    1. Yes, Trudy, those simple plants are such joyful reminders that there is hope. Thanks so much for your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Martha, the plants are simply gorgeous and vibrant and indeed have prospered. I particularly like the Hydrangeas. Continued prayers for your mom and your family!

    1. I love the hydrangea, too, Karen. Thanks for your continued prayers!
      Love and blessings!

    2. Your plants seem to be growing, blooming and thriving. What a fragrant delight they must be. I’m glad to hear that for the most part your mother is doing well too. Thanks for the update on both. God is moving in you life. Blessings.

    3. Thanks so much for your kind words, Nells.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Oh wow, beautiful and the blue Hydrangea's, of my goodness. Wonder if they will turn pink next year (which always happened when I bought blue ones).

    1. That would be so interesting if they did turn pink, Marja. Never knew that could happen.
      Love and blessings!

  14. lovely photos and you are in my daily prayers as you journey with your mother.

    1. Thanks so much, Jean. We really can use those prayers.
      Love and blessings!

  15. That's a lot going on with your mom. I'm asking the Lord to comfort and heal. These late-in-life illnesses can be so very baffling.

    1. They certainly can be, Barbara. It's one day at a time at this point. Thanks for the prayers.
      Love and blessings!

  16. The pious man is like a tree
    With amply-watered roots;
    And in its season you may see
    The richness of its fruits.

    Trust your mother flourishes too as planted in the house of the Lord.

    1. What a beautiful poem you've shared here, David! Yes, we are praying that mom will pull out of this mess she is in, and flourish.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...