Thursday, June 17, 2021

Face to Face


For now, we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.  Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. ~ 1 Corinthians 13:12

So many of us miss out on so many commonplace activities during the pandemic lockdown, pre-vaccination.  These are moments we can never reclaim.  Yet, I find that, after going through the nightmare of isolation, I've developed a whole new appreciation for things I once took for granted.

Before the lockdown, my husband, Danny, and I usually eat out once a week.  That habit comes to a screeching halt, and lasts for endless months.  Now?  Oh, what joy we take in sharing a meal in an actual restaurant!  And since Mom's been in the hospital, eating out has become so frequent, we almost grow weary of it.  That's how much I love Danny's cooking!

Shopping in person is another milestone to celebrate.  Going to Publix or Costco, to see and touch the items we choose to purchase, feels as heady as a trip to Disneyworld.  Danny and I are in hog heaven!  What used to be regarded as a chore is now a delight.

But my favorite part of all?  Ditching the masks!!!  I've so missed seeing people's expressions, sharing a smile with a stranger, breathing freely once again.  Of course, we still have to put up with the facade that is mask-wearing when we enter the hospital, but once in Mom's room, we are free to take them off.  Does that make any sense to you?  Doesn't to me, either, but I imagine that may be the norm for hospitals for a good long while.

I'm not going to debate here whether the masks and social distancing make any real difference during the Covid, but I am convinced that staying hidden behind a face covering, and keeping people six feet apart, certainly provoked the feelings of depression and loneliness so many folks suffer during this time.  God created us to be in fellowship with Him and with each other.  That has always been the "normal," and it will forever be so.

It's about time, way beyond time, that we see each other face to face!


P. S.  I'm attempting to switch to Follow It for all my readers who subscribe by email.  Please use this link to see if you can access it.  Thanks! 

Update on Mom:  Unfortunately, she is about the same, and certainly not doing enough PT to make regular walking a possibility.  She is uncomfortable as she has developed some bed sores.  My brother has to leave for Albany, GA, tomorrow, and we won't be able to travel to Oxford until Saturday.  We've asked the nurses to make sure Mom's cell phone is charged up so we can at least call one another and give encouragement over the phone.  These are crazy times, and your prayers are so very appreciated!


  1. I continue to pray for your Mom and for you all. Safe journey. Take care.

    Life is very difficult for many right now. I believe God knows this and understands, and shares our suffering. Maybe, He is teaching us to love one another, as Jesus commanded.

    Take courage, Martha. God bless you all.

    1. With God's help, I will take courage, Victor. Thanks so much for your prayers for Mom and for safe travels.
      Love and blessings!

  2. One benefit of social distancing and limits on numbers at restaurants - we could actually hear each other. Now that things are returning to normal, so are the noise levels.

    1. That is a great point, Glynn. Never really thought of it that way.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I agree with Glynn on the noise level but I sure DON'T miss the masks. I wore it as little as possible anyway and now even less. I have to wear it at the chiro's office but at this point it is done. Praying for your mom still. Also, experiencing new things is fun!

    1. Yes, getting rid of the masks is so liberating, Bill. Thanks for your continued prayers!

  4. So glad you are finding joy as things are getting somewhat back to normal. I'm sorry to hear your mom hasn't made much progress. I hope things will begin to improve soon.

    1. We hope so, too, Martha. Thanks to you and everyone for the continued prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  5. It's about time, indeed! I pray I'll never take these 'ordinary' things for granted again. Right now they feel extraordinary!
    I'm still holding your mother in my prayers.

    1. When the ordinary becomes extraordinary, we can all be exceptionally grateful, Myra. Thanks for your continued prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Registered on your new link site, Martha. Praying for your mom. It is really difficult to walk through those days with our parents.

    1. So happy that you registered, Loralu, and that it worked for you! I will write an entire post next about how everyone can switch. It's easy, isn't it?
      Thanks so much for your prayers, too, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Dearest Martha Jane,
    The entire world has been suffering from a power abuse by 'some'... and that is plainly called dictatorship!
    Glad we're free in Georgia since April 8 when our Governor reversed all Covid restrictions. Some of those that mandated all this craziness, have blood on their hands. How many became depressed and have committed suicide?! Sure the left media is not publishing that but our Final Judge will keep track of all human behavior — no escape possible!
    For health reasons we have already for years avoided eating in restaurants so that was no problem for both of us.
    Hope your Mom will manage at least to stay stable; it is a rough road for all involved.

    1. Thanks so much, Mariette, for your thoughtful and truthful observations shared here. You are spot on! I'm glad, too, that we live in a state where our governor chose not to follow the "science" the left has been spewing at us since the inception. And our Final Judge will decide all things in His time. Mom did have a better day today, and that is giving us some hope.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I am so sorry to hear that your mother is still having such a difficult time. Praying for her comfort and healing, especially the bed sores. That really shouldn't be an option with appropriate nursing care, but I know it happens. Praying they are taking proper care of it now. And yes, it does feel good to not have to worry about putting on a mask everywhere I go. I was so thrilled the Sunday our pastor told us we no longer had to wear them at church, and now we are singing hymns again as a congregation! That is truly a joy to my heart! People are actually smiling at each other again everywhere we go! That is a true joy. Have a blessed weekend. Praying for your mother now.

    1. Singing hymns in church . . . another beautiful thing we could so easily take for granted, and now it seems more precious than gold, Pamela. They are treating Mom's bed sores, and turning her every two to three hours, so this will get better. As I mentioned to Mariette, Mom had a better day today, and that is giving us hope.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Yes, I agree with everything you said here, Martha, and please know that I am praying for your mom and all of you in my daily prayers. Thanks for the update. xo

    1. Thanks so much for the continued prayers, Terri, and I know you feel the same way I do about the over-restrictions that were placed on so many people during this shut-down year.
      Love and blessings!

  10. It is wonderful indeed to see other faces and expressions again. I tried to "read eyes", but they certainly aren't expressive as someone's whole face. Please know we'll continue praying for your mama ma'am. God's blessings.

    1. I found it difficult to read eyes, too, J. D. - just not the same as seeing someone's entire face. Thanks for the continued prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  11. We live in a strange time indeed. I have seen this whole thing from day one as an attack on the breath of life we have received from the Lord. Hence, I have never covered my face :) Needless to say I have not been anywhere for a long time, I haven't seen the inside of a supermarket since November last year, believe it or not. It saves money for one thing and it pushed me to start baking my own bread and get everything fresh at the farmer's market. I hope there will be progress in your mother's situation, glad you can see each other face to face!

    1. We stayed away from grocery stores, too, Myra, and had our food delivered to the house. Danny is really into making homemade bread, just like you are doing. These are certainly strange times, and I do love your take on the masks impeding the breath of God. So true!
      Thanks for your continued prayers.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Oh dear Martha, sad indeed re darling mum, praying God’s covering grace. “The angel of the Lord encampeth about them that fear Him and delivereth them.” May He be glorified in this deep trial in your lives,
    I’m interested that you’re using, I have been making enquiries with them too. It took me three goes to get it to accept my email but ended up working okay and now subscribed.
    I wondered why you didn’t put the tab in the sidebar like feedburner as they’ve that capability… maybe you thought direct link easier?

    We’re fine here in this part of Oz and very few limitations so very blessed, no cases here since last April 2020, not this year,
    Hardly had to wear mask just when on plane as flew to Syd Drs in April and not much else,
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. I wish I could figure out how to put the Follow It address in my sidebar, Shaz, and thought I'd done so when first attempting. I might contact the company for more info here soon. Glad yours worked out!
      Thanks for the prayers for Mom. It seems, since I penned this post, that she is making a comeback. Let's keep praying!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Alberta will fully "open up" on Canada Day, so that's a big, joyous relief for us. 'Normal' is gonna feel weird for awhile. :-)

    1. It does seem strange at first, Frank, but oh, what a welcome reprieve it is from all these restrictions. I'm surprised that it's taken Canada so long to get with the program.
      Love and blessings!

  14. I have felt from the beginning that much of the so called precautionary actions were over done. Hubby and I followed all the restrictions - mask wearing, hand sanitizing, and isolation as much as possible, and we still had a terrible case of Covid. Sickness lasted three weeks, and recovery took six weeks. I no longer isolate nor do I wear a mask. I have always washed my hands, so that is a no brainer. Now they are saying that those who had Covid did not need the shot. We have had them and I was in bed with 102 fever for about a week. Surely after all this we are done with Covid. Sorry, Martha, rant over.

    I surely do hope your mom finds rest and comfort. I hope she will begin to improve. Love and blessings.

    1. You have every reason to rant, Nells! I can't believe you both actually got Covid and then went on to have a reaction to the vaccine. That's a double whammy, for sure! I know it's an experience you'll never forget.
      Mom has been doing remarkably better the last two days. We are praying this is a permanent trend!
      Love and blessings!

  15. Thank you for the update on your mom. As far as the whole 'mask' thing, I agree that there is proof they did any good. I wore mine as little as possible -- however, in our neck of the woods the restrictions are worse than ever. In our small town, there has only been a handful of cases in the past 2 years -- yet the restrictions are stronger yet. Being on the other side of the border, I have grieved much in the past few weeks realizing that I may never see my family again.

    1. There seems to be no rhyme or reason for the strict rules, Carol, especially in areas where infections were minimal. I don't get any of it except that certain people in "power" want to keep it that way. You will see your family again; just hang in there and trust that God will find a way, my friend!
      Thanks for your prayers for Mom. She is rallying!
      Love and blessings!

  16. Good morning, friend. Thinking of you, praying, too, as you navigate these uncertain days.

    May today bless you and Danny and all you love.

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers, Linda! They must be working because Mom has just had two great days in a row. God is good!
      Love and blessings!

  17. Soon face to face:
    To see Jesus’ face
    Is the most exciting thing
    That I can think of.

    1. Amen, David! It may be a little longer before Mom has that experience; she has made a miraculous turn around the last two days, and we are most grateful.
      Love and blessings!

  18. We're loving the freedom we now have too since we've been vaccinated and can ditch the masks. We're enjoying life again in more normal ways but are staying aware of so many countries where it's not happening yet. :( May God stay close to the brokenhearted. Praying for you all and your mom. I know that is so hard.

    1. It's sad, Lisa, that other countries are still struggling. I'm so grateful that we are blessed to be able to live our lives fully again. Thanks for your prayers for Mom- she is doing much better!
      Love and blessings!

  19. Praying for you and your Mom, Martha. The evil and damage that has been done to the world through this plandemic is untold. God will hold all accountable for their vile actions and I would not want to be standing in their shoes when they stand before Him and give account. There is SO much that the general population does not even know or understand or recognize about it all, including the "vaccines" that are not even vaccines, but I know we have differing opinions on this, so don't mean to bring up a sore subject. It will all come out and many will be so shocked. I trust your Mom will improve - I know how hard it is to watch parents suffer and also how draining it is to sit in hospitals for hours on end. God bless you and hold you all close during this trying time.

    1. Yes, Cheryl, there is so many questions about the origin of this virus that need to be answered, and those who unleashed this plague upon the world will have to stand in judgment one day. Thanks for your prayers for Mom, too. Miraculously, she is improving with each passing day. Yes, prayers work!
      Love and blessings!

  20. They say that eyes are the windows of the soul, but I think the Covid-masks proved: we need the whole face! Praise God for every step of progress we've made this spring. So much to be thankful for--getting together with family and friends, attending church in person and singing, shopping in person to actually see what we're purchasing, etc. You've named some important blessings here, Martha! We'll continue to pray for the blessing of health for your mother.

    1. You've listed wonderful things to be grateful for, Nancy, and it's such a joy to celebrate each one. Thanks for continued prayers for Mom!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...