Thursday, June 3, 2021

Her Salvation


Why, my soul, are you downcast?  Why so disturbed within me?  Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. ~Psalm 42:5

We are all familiar with the statement, "God works in mysterious ways."  This is a phenomenon I recently encounter.  The poem below is composed weeks before my mother's fall and consequent hospitalization/rehabilitation.  It gives me "God-bumps" to reflect on the Lord's divine inspiration at a time when I would need it the most.

She is a relic, almost ruined, spent

By what she cannot understand or know

No voice of reason pierces veil, no light

Prevails to lift the shadow's darkness

Life goes on around her, yet she's blind

Life goes on around her, yet she's deaf

Living in the past, her only hope

For the future, day by day by day

Comes in moments, not monthly plans

For promises are empty as the road

Rises to meet and greet eternity

With her salvation ever in mind


Update:  My brother, Bill, is now at Mom's house until Sunday when we will travel down there again.  He visited with Mom today; they have lowered her oxygen level, which is good, and is through with her antibiotics.  She is able to carry on a conversation somewhat, but she drifts into the past, and imagines that our father is still alive and talks about seeing family members who are long gone.  Of course, this is a hard blow to all of us.  We are praying that as time goes on, the dementia will lessen, and she will be more like her old self.  Thanks so much for all of your prayers, too!



  1. Thank you Martha for your up-date about your Mom. I feel and share your pain. I am praying for your Mom and for you all at this very difficult time. Rest assured that the Good Lord is with you all always.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks so much for your continued prayers, Victor. They mean the world to us!
      Love and blessings!

  2. That has to be so hard on all of you. I hope she will start to improve soon. I'm so glad to hear your brother came to give you a break for a bit, I'm sure it's much needed!

    1. Yes, Martha, a very much need break, that's for sure. We'll be back down there this coming Sunday.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Oh my goodness, Martha. Hearing (that) you'd written these words prior to your mother's fall, gave me 'God-bumps', too. (THat's a great word!)
    Still praying for all!

    1. I'm glad you liked that word, Myra - feel free to use it anytime! Thanks for your continued prayers.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Your poetry is so meaningful for me, too, as I am caring for my friend Helen. So sad, yet we know God is in control. I like your phrase "God bumps". Yes, indeed. Prayers continue, Martha. xo

    1. Yes, Terri, you certainly have your hands full with Helen, and you continue to be in my prayers, too. Glad you and Myra both liked the phrase "God bumps."
      Love and blessings!

  5. Praying Martha, for Gods healing touch.
    The older and more frail we are the slower we are to recover, I know this for a fact, was amazed when my supposed recovery from last major hurdle took four times as long as they said.
    So do not despair, this is not necessarily it for darling mum, she will most likely recover more, I saw with my dad, who had vascular dementia, a fall too him home... your poem catches the emotions in a gripping way, loved the last bit ..rises to meet and greet eternity, with her salvation ever on her mind.
    May we all walk daily like that with eternity in our hearts, salvation on our mind ... amen even so come Lord Jesus.
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. Thank you, Shaz, for sharing so personally how illness does take its toll, but the comeback can be realized even in older people. We need that kind of hope right now! I'm honored that this poem touched your heart, too. Let us all walk daily with salvation on our minds and hearts.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I love the phrase "God-bumps". It describes exactly what I feel when I read that this poem was written before your mom had her accident. I am still praying for your family each night, Martha. Hoping for complete recovery for your dear mother.

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers, Laurie. Yes, they are working and giving us hope at a time when it feels there is so little to be hopeful about as she is struggling. Seems like "God bumps" is quite popular with many folks here!
      Love and blessings!

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother's fall, Martha! How amazing that the Lord prepared your heart for the event with this poem, He certainly does work in mysterious ways! I will be praying that she recovers fully! Sending blessings and hugs to you, dear friend!

    1. It is amazing, Marilyn, how God does prepare our hearts and minds for the unexpected, both good and bad. Thank you so much for your prayers, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Oh, Martha! I know how hard this is for you to witness your mother's failing health. Praying with you for her recovery, and trusting God to keep her safe and comfortable as she heals and recovers. May the Lord continue to give you encouraging words and comfort as well. He is so faithful to meet us right where and when we need Him most. (((hugs)))

    1. God is so faithful to meet us where we are, Pamela, I fully agree. Thanks so much for the prayers and good thoughts coming our way - they help immeasurably!
      Love and blessings!

  9. I empathize with your situation. My dad had Alzheimer's. He would drift from his army days to the farm where he grew up. I'm so sorry for you to go through this with your mom. Take heart and be encouraged because God is watching over her. I hope things improve soon. 🙏🙏🙏. Love and blessings.

    1. I hope things improve soon, too, Nells. My father also had Alzheimer's, and it is heartbreaking to go through that with a parent. I will take heart that God sees and knows all that is transpiring here.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Dearest Martha Jane,
    We all pray and hope for improvements; that is our hope and it keeps us all afloat. Sure it is still hard to assess your Mom's condition as she has been under the influence of so many medications and away from her 'trusted' surroundings.
    May it be that she will regain some more of her older days, before this fall.
    Happy that your brother Bill gave you both some much needed relieve! May you feel strong enough to go back and indeed, prayer is about the only thing what we all can do! Your Mom's future is indeed as in your poem so well jotted down...
    Big hugs,

    1. Thank you, Mariette, for you kind words and your prayers. We are all hoping for the best outcome in this situation, and are so grateful that my brother could relieve us for a while. We'll be returning this Sunday to take over the reins again. Hoping my future updates will be full of good news.
      Love and blessings!

  11. God did indeed give you a precious gift in that poem, Martha! I pray that once your mother's medications can be scaled back, her faculities will also improve. So many of us Baby Boomers have watched a parent slip away bit by bit into a shell of what they once were, due to dementia. My mother was in the early stages when a stroke took her life. We saw it as a blessing; she never had to leave her home which she loved. My husband's mother also suffered dementia. Praise God we will see them all again, completely whole and well!

    1. Dementia is such a horrid thing to watch happening to the ones we love, Nancy, and it's a blessing when a parent doesn't have to suffer with it. Yes, one day, we will see them again, restored and well. Hoping and praying Mom can come out of this sooner than later.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Martha, so sorry to hear about your mother not doing well. Praying for her and over your brother and you and Danny as you care for her and make decisions best for her.

    1. Thanks so much for all your prayers, Karen.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Boa tarde meus queridos amigos, obrigado por nos trazer esse Salmos lindo. Desejo um bom início de semana com muita saúde.

  14. Dear Martha, this is a hard cross to bear. You are not alone, His Spirit is very much present. May you experience God's comfort in deeper and fresh ways, friend.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Yes, we all definitely need to feel God's comforting touch.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Your prose and poetry are God's gifts to help you and your loved ones get through this tough time. I'm praying for your wisdom, comfort, and peace.

    1. Wisdom, comfort and peace are exactly what is needed right now, Barbara. Thank you!
      Love and blessings!

  16. Always a blessing Ms. Martha. Thank you ma'am!


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