Monday, June 21, 2021

Falling Short


For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God ~Romans 3:23

I'm not going to lie to you.  Traveling down to Oxford, GA, every other week to check on my mother, and to spend time with her in the rehab facility, is taking its toll on my patience and peace of mind.  I'm so grateful to my brother, Bill, who is alternating weeks with my husband, Danny, and me.  Without this respite, being allowed to return home for a breath of normalcy, I do think my mental and emotional health would be in jeopardy.

As much as I love my mother, and desire to serve her with the best I can offer, I'm anything but perfect in this endeavor.

I sin and fall short of the glory of God.

Yes, I'm selfish.  I want my own routine, my own priorities, my own needs to take precedence.

But that's not what Jesus teaches.

We are to take up our cross, all the negatives of our lives, and walk with Jesus to Golgotha, willing to sacrifice everything we are for everything He is.  How can we ever expect to tackle the challenges of life without our Lord there, willing to share in our burdens?  How can we not be grateful for all He has done?

There is no room for selfish desires.  There is no room for pride.

There is only humble surrender in light of all that transpires in our lives.

And even though we will always fall short of God's glory, we can know that Jesus still loves us, warts and all.  He wants to be our friend, our confidant.

Our Savior.

May the Lord banish all our selfish thoughts, and help us to live in His love alone.


Update on Mom:  Due to Medicare issues at the rehab facility, we have to move Mom to an assisted living place this week.  Thank the Lord we found a stellar one right here in town!  We will meet with a rep there tomorrow afternoon and get the ball rolling.  Mom had two good days over the weekend, but wasn't really with it on Monday when we last visited.  We will have to break the news to her about the transition on Wednesday, so prayers are greatly appreciated, my friends.  Thanks!


  1. God understands how you feel about all this travelling and change in your routine. He knows we are all humans and as such we have our limitations. Trust in Him and He will give you the strength and patience to go on. I continue to pray for your Mom and for you all in these difficult times. Do not be too hard on yourself; you know you're a wonderful daughter.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Victor, for your prayers and words of encouragement. Yes, God knows me with all my faults and shortcomings, and He still loves me, loves us all. I take great comfort in that.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I am sorry to hear that your mother isn't making much progress. Is the facility where you are moving her in YOUR town where you live? I hope so, for your sake. That will make it much easier on you if it is. When we had to put my MIL in a nursing facility, we found one closer to us (even tho it was still a 45 minute drive) , but that made life much easier than if we had needed to travel a couple of hours to see her. Once she got established in a routine there, she was happier and we didn't feel like we had to be there every day, and that was a blessing. We alternated visiting days with my hubby's brother, so that she had regular visits throughout the week but not necessarily every day. Praying all goes well with the transition for your mother, and that it will be a positive outcome for all concerned. God is with you.

    1. Actually, Pamela, we decided to select an assisted living home near where her home is. The reasons are that it's easier for my brother to travel to see her, her friends can visit, and she's close to her doctors. Honestly, I don't know how Mom will deal with this sudden transition, but we are hoping for the best. We simply have no other options at this time.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Praying for your mom, Martha.

  4. Hi Martha, just letting you know that your email came through about three hours ago wgich seems quicker than feedburner. So that’s really really good.
    I’ve added the HTML gadget to my blogs too.
    Here’s how you do it. Post in it here:
    I’ve not changed folks over yet, but will do in next week.
    Praying on for your darling mum, it sounds good the nursing home or care home in your town, what a God given grace eh?
    Amazing Grace!
    I cared for my wonderful mum for 16 and half years so know how wearying it maybe.

    She was unable to shower dress or even comb her hair had several arthritis..
    … not unlike Annie Johnson Flint that I wrote about on Wonderful Words blog.

    She wrote “ He giveth more grace” hymn and it was a backstory that really blessed me. May Christ alone shine through all this dear Martha, and His name be glorified.
    A really beautiful post.
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. Severe not several arthritis. 🤔 dopey me,

    2. That's great to know, Shaz, that Follow It is working faster, as I hoped it would. Thanks for the link, too. I'll check it out more in depth when I can get home to my regular computer; on Chrome Book at the moment.
      Thanks, too, for sharing how you cared for your mother when she couldn't care for herself any longer. No, it isn't easy, but how can we do anything less for our parents? I'm sure your mom was grateful for all your sacrifice and attention to her.
      Love and blessings!

    3. The greatest blessing dear Martha was she came to the Lotd in the time we were together. Hoe good is God? My dad two decades later also came to the Lord while with me not long before he passed over. Two very great miracles. We must guve our all as you so rightly said in you post ... as Jesusdid for us.
      One other thing I resolved beforemum passed that I'll not have "no regrets" in relation to care for mum. It wasn't perfect, but it was best I could manage.. even unwise choices needed to be given to God and left there. I saw a wonderfulfrirnd, a daughter suffer with regrets after her num passed, unnecessarily so. She'd done her best. We are after all imperfect human beings.
      Praying. BTW i did the pasting of HTML onto layout on iPad. I don't use computer blogging. Im on mobile now

    4. Meant have "no regrets " mobile so loads of mistakes sorry.

  5. Thank you for your candor, Martha. While reading this, suddenly it was 2001 again and I'm feeling the same selfish thoughts, wishing I didn't have to travel each weekend to my mother's home. How I wish I might have taken it to the Lord in prayer, like you.
    Still praying -- and praising.

    1. Myra, I'm so relieved to know that I'm not the only one who has struggled with these emotions. It's so easy to allow ourselves to feel torn in times like these, but in honoring our parents, we honor God. I have to hold onto that!
      Love and blessings!

  6. I know the relief you're feeling, Martha. It's palpable and freeing. It'll be such a blessing to have your mom well cared for nearby. You'll find your loving patience renewed and emotionally you'll feel so much stronger.

    All will be well, friend.

    1. Oh, Linda, I'm so hoping this long-term care facility will give all of us the peace of mind we need right now. I can't let go until I know Mom is in the best place for her needs at the moment. She truly isn't even near ready to return home.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I understand how you are feeling, it's hard, so hard! I'm glad you found a facility you are happy with. I hope all goes smoothly with the transition and I hope things will be a bit easier on you once she is in the new place too. Hugs!

    1. I'm sure things will get easier once Mom is at the new place, Martha. At least we'll know she is getting the very best care available, and it will be so much easier to visit her there in the future.
      Love and blessings!

  8. join the "sinners" club Martha. I wish I could say I always do things which are stellar. It is admirable the way you are taking care of your mom. I pray for God's supernatural strength for all of you involved. And I pray she will adjust to the new place. She may like it even more!

    1. Oh, I do hope she will like it, Bill, and realize it is the best we can do for now. I'm glad to know I'm not alone in the "sinners" club, because I'd feel real lonely if I were the only member. Thanks for your prayers and reassurance!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Dearest Martha Jane,
    No, aging is not for the faint of heart! Either reaching that stage yourself or walking/living it alongside a loved one...
    But with Faith, we all manage in the end.
    So you will be able to move your Mom to your own vicinity now? That will solve a lot of problems and will give you renewed peace of mind. Danny after all is still in his recovering mode... Things cannot be pushed in life. Your brother has been grand for alternating.

    1. Actually, Mariette, Danny and I talked about transporting Mom up to a facility in Kennesaw, but since this home is closer to my brother when he makes trips and also allows her friends to visit occasionally, we thought settling her here made more sense. She also has all her doctors here, which makes medical visits easier.
      With faith, we will get through these days.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Dearest Martha,
      Just read what you wrote: Thank the Lord we found a stellar one 'right here in town!'
      That's why I thought it was your home town... But your explanation makes sense and is very considerate!
      Good luck!

    3. Thanks, Mariette! We went over to this beautiful facility this afternoon, and it's the best place we could put Mom at this time. We are feeling so grateful and hopeful, and have been letting her friends in the community know what is going on.
      Love and blessings!

  10. I sure understand what you are going through - oh, do I understand. God help you and bless you through this trying time. Praying for you, dear friend.

    1. Thanks so much for the prayers, Cheryl, and yes, I know you understand what we are facing right now. Holding onto the knowledge that our God is good, all the time.
      Love and blessings!

  11. I have traveled this same trek with my own mother, Martha. She left us 20 years ago, but I am so glad I took the time to take care of her those last months. It is not easy, but you will never regret one minute of this labor. I can put my head down at night and rest easy, knowing I did what was needed. Praying for you in these tough days, Friend!

    1. Thank you, Lulu, for sharing your own experience here. Yes, things are difficult now, but I am so thankful that we can be here for Mom when she needs us the most. I know that, like you, we won't regret one moment of helping in her time of need.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Absolutely keeping all y'all in our prayers Ms. Martha. Caring for an aging family member is perhaps the hardest I've ever had to work in my life (emotionally anyway). Praying your peace, and their patience. God's blessings ma'am.

    1. Oh, yes, J. D., it is a very emotionally draining and taxing experience, isn't it? But it is the right thing to do, and I'm confident that God will be with us through it all. Thanks so much for the continued prayers - they certainly work!
      Love and blessings!

  13. I pray for your mom AND for you daily, Martha. It is so hard. Love & hugs to you and yours. Do keep us posted. xo

    1. I will keep everyone posted, Terri, and thanks so much for your prayers. Know I'm praying for you, too!
      Love and blessings!

  14. We took care of my father-in-law the last year and a half of his life. Nitcwasvvery difficult to answer the same question 50 or more times a day. I can empathize with your situation. I have no regrets about that, but it was trying to say the least. Hang in there, is pure you are doing a stellar job of taking care of your mom. I pray she takes the news well about transitioning to new living quarters. ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏

    1. Thank you, Nells, for sharing your own experience with caring for an aging parent. We did the same with Danny's mother, and I don't regret a moment. We will hang in there, and hope that Mom will be as happy as possible in this new facility. They are such wonderful, caring people, and she does need more time to get well before/if she can come home.
      Love and blessings!

  15. I'm thankful to read your update that you have found a better place for your Mom to be! Falling short - indeed, if we are all truthful, life finds us in shadowy dark places at times where we are in great need of the mercy of the Lord, so thankful for His ever present love, mercy and grace in our hour of need! Thankful for the good report for your mother's new home! Blessings and hugs :)

    1. Yes, Marilyn, we are all in such need of God's mercy and grace, and I've been the beneficiary of both in these difficult days. The facility is absolutely beautiful and the staff is excellent. Mom should be moved there this Friday, and we so hope she will accept that this is the best place for her until she is well enough to return home.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Martha, this has to be taxing on you and Danny. Thankful you found an assisted living place in town! Continued prayers for your mom and family. Love these thoughts:

    "There is no room for selfish desires. There is no room for pride.

    There is only humble surrender in light of all that transpires in our lives."

  17. Galatians 2:20: "I am crucified with Christ, and no longer live, *I*, but Christ lives in me; but [in] that I now live in flesh, I live by faith, the [faith] of the Son of God, who has loved me and given himself for me". I need to learn this in experience!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...