Thursday, January 19, 2012

"I Wanna Hold Your Hand!"

Psalm 37:23-24
The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.

My granddaughter, Virginia Rose, is pulling herself up on furniture, the sides of her playpen, and on our pant legs since she is a year old. Any day now, we think, she will be walking.

Not so!

When she stands, she points her toes like
a ballerina. No flat feet here!

This, of course, makes it impossible to have balance or traction without holding on to something.

Thirteen mont
hs. Fourteen months.

Crawling as though her arms and legs have wings.

But, still, no walking.

Fifteen months. Sixteen months.

Walking, but on her knees! Have you ever seen a child do that? I know we haven't!

Diva in Diapers!

And, yes, still a crawling champion.

In her seventeenth month, mom and dad decide it's time for a little "hand-up" to help Virginia gain confidence in walking.

They take each of her hands in one of theirs and help her walk along with them.

They practice. At home. The store. The playground.

For Virginia, it's just a game. One she willingly plays. Day after day.

And, just before
the end of December, she takes her first real steps. All on her own!

She is still crawling, walking on her knees, and reaching for hands to help steady her when she walks. But, e
very day sees her stepping more and more in the right direction.

Because of the guidance and help of firm and loving hands. Ones that uphold her. And, keep her feet from stumbling.
When in your life have you stumbled, but not fallen, because God had you by the hand?

Will you pray with me?
Father, we can be confident in our walk with You for we know You are walking with us, holding our hand, ready to catch us when we fall. We praise You for the precious gift of children who need our love and protection just as we need Yours. We thank you for the graciousness of Your might hand. Amen.

Psalms 37:1-18 or 37:19-42
Genesis 11:1-9
Hebrews 6:13-20
John 4:1-15


  1. Virginia Rose is adorable and will walk on her own some day real soon because she has he dear loved ones watching over her and helping her keep her balance. God watches over us all and protects us from harm. Great post

    1. Hi, Sulekka! Thanks for stopping by!
      Yes, the little one is walking on her own, just not at any stretch yet. Her walking on her knees makes me laugh every time.
      Thank you for your kind words and compliments.

  2. Hi Matha:
    This reminds me of one of my favorite spiritual poemes called:
    Psalm 37:23-24
    The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.

    1. Hi, Chris! Thanks for dropping by today!
      Yes, it is one of my favorites, too. When I'm feeling down, I visualize Jesus carrying me and it always lifts my spirits.

  3. I ma sorry Martha,I seem to be missing out on your posts,but I have been very pre occupied off late.
    God bless Virginia Rose..
    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

    1. Wow, Alpana, you have left such a powerful comment here! Yes, no shrinking violets allowed. We are, as you said, born to glorify God who lives within us. It is so freeing to let our lights shine, shine, shine!
      Thank you so much for stopping by today and leaving your inspiring words with my readers!

  4. Great post, I love the little ones as you know,they all do what they are ready for, no matter how we wish differently. There is a plan for her, maybe to teach mom and dad something as well.

    1. Thanks, Jan, for stopping by today!
      Yes, there is a plan for Virginia Rose, all in God's good hands and in His time. When she is ready, she will be doing nothing but walking, then running! I don't know if this Gammie is up for that yet. :)

  5. What a lovely little girl, Virginia Rose is, Martha.
    I can't begin to count the times I've stumbled and I've had the loving arms of God lead me out of danger. Isn't He Father and Mother to us? :)

    1. Hi, Corinne, and thanks so much for dropping by today!
      Such a sweet compliment for the little one - thank you!
      And, yes, He is Father and Mother, both. Glad He's been there to rescue you when you needed it. Isn't it amazing that He is there for us all?

  6. What a precious little lady! I loved the diva in diapers pic! Martha what a wonderful way to expose the word! A lot of times we forget that God is holding our hand. Life takes hold and we get caught up. I can think of many times when I have been saved because of his righteous hand. My work is to always be in remembrance of those moments even when I feel at my lowest and the most challenged. Thanks so much! This was beautiful!

  7. Hi, Tameka, it's so great to see you here!
    Yes, it is precisely at those moments when we feel the lowest and out-of-sorts with ourselves and with the world that we most need to remember He is walking with us, holding our hand.
    Thanks, too, for the compliments for Virginia Rose and her photos. Yes, Diva in Diapers is one of my favorites, too!
    Know I'm so glad I read your post today, too. Inspiring!

  8. Ooo she's so cute. She reminded me so much of my nieces. I was reading in part the comments and your post has come up with rich reflections.

    It's wonderful how we could liken our parents to God who continues to holds us until we learn to walk. And there comes a time when God would allow us to walk by ourselves only to catch us when we fall.

    This thought brings me peace because God is always there for us.

    I pray with you.

  9. Thanks so much, Melissa, for stopping by and leaving such beautiful comments!
    I'm glad Virginia Rose reminds you of your nieces and has generated wonderful memories for you..
    Yes, God is our parent, in all stages of our lives, helping us to grow in understanding and truth. Guiding us in all our choices and decisions. Giving us the balance to walk assuredly with Him.
    We both know, my dear, that He ever holds our hands!
    Thanks for praying with me and blessings always!

  10. Beautiful moments... I remember the many times i saw my kids stumble and fall but with their own trust of themselves and the caring or guidance of those who love them... they finally stood on their two legs!

    1. Thank you, Savira, for stopping by!
      Isn't it a terrific feeling to finally see your children stand on their own two feet without our help? Parenting is the hardest job any of us can ever do.
      Blessings to you!

  11. So adorable. . .brought me back *sniff* xoxo

  12. Thanks for dropping in, Pamela!
    Yes, she is my adorable angel, I must confess. Any time I can write a story about her is a joyful one for me.
    Glad it brought back good memories . . .


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