John 3:8
"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
It is a brisk and blustery day in March. The sun is shining and there isn't a cloud in the sky. What a spectacular day to play outside!
My brother, Bill, and I are running around with friends on the spacious field behind our apartments. That's when Dad appears in the doorway. With a big surprise . . .
"It's a kite!" I yell to Bill as both of us race full tilt down the hill to meet our father.
"What do you think of this?" He asks, holding up the brilliantly yellow kite with its flowing tail of white rags tied to the bottom.
"It's great! Can we fly it now?"
"What are all these things?" Asks Bill, pointing at the tail.
"These will give some weight to the kite," Dad explains. "The wind is so strong today, it would put the kite into a tailspin up there otherwise. Ready to give her a test flight?"
"Yes! Yes!" We shout, clapping our hands and jumping up and down.
"Okay, now, stand back so I can run the kite into the wind."
With that, Dad takes off. We watch in amazement as the kite soars upward, its paper crackling and snapping, its tail wiggling like a sidewinder.
Up! Up! Up!
Dad lets out more string. Then, more. Then, more.
Until our kite is nothing but a tiny speck of sunlight yellow in the azure heavens.
"I've never seen one go this high!" Dad exclaims jubilantly, his strong hands grasping the stick upon which the string is firmly tied.
"I can hardly see it!" I declare.
"It's way up there," says Bill. "Is it high enough to reach the moon?"
Dad laughs, "Afraid not. But, yes, it's way up there. It's going to take some time and patience to bring it down safely."
"Bring it down? But, you just got it up there!" I protest.
"Don't worry," he assures me. "I'll bring it back slowly. You'll have plenty of time to see it dancing in the wind."
And, so, we do.
Savoring every movement of the wondrous, yellow kite.
Will you soar like a kite on the wind of the Holy Spirit, letting Him take you, dancing, that much closer to Heaven?
Will you pray with me?
May we all be like the yellow kite, Father, floating, flying, frolicking on the wind of Your Holy Spirit. In Him, we feel Your presence and know Your divine will for us. Let us soar in the surety of Your gracious love for us. Amen.
Psalms 25 or 9, 15
Genesis 8:6-22
Hebrews 4:14-5:6
John 2:23-3:15
Kites are challenges for me. It's been a rare occasion that I've gotten it to fly properly. What a lovely memory of a special family time. I do love the kite imagery and hope that I am soaring through life on the wings of the Holy Spirit. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Lynne, for stopping by today!
DeleteI've never been great at kite flying either, but Dad was great! Glad you enjoyed the kite imagery and yes, it is such a special memory for me.
I could never fly a kite...no matter how much I've tried! lol..I think it has to do with my mechanical disposition...it's not very refined...But I would much rather dance with the Spirit anyways...Great post. :)
ReplyDeleteThen, dance away, Jessica! :)
DeleteThe spirit moves within us all so individually and that is good.
Thanks so much for your sweet comment.
Yes Martha..May we all be like the yellow kite, Father, floating, flying, frolicking on the wind of Your Holy Spirit.
ReplyDeleteThe Holy Spirit is a good gift from God,an essential gift. We must explore our relationship with the Spirit and become more aware of his presence in our hearts and lives. We must learn to sense his leading and teaching so that we can become more obedient to him. In this way we effectively follow Him and become more like Him in the process.
Alpana, you have hit the nail on the head. We come to know the Father and our Lord Jesus because of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. It is, as you say, an essential gift and one we must listen to carefully and prayerfully.
DeleteThanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a thoughtful comment.
Martha - The last two days have a been a kite flying festival in India. Did you know that when you published this? :)
ReplyDeleteYour prayer today was so beautiful...poetic and powerful.
No, Corinne, I had no idea when I wrote this! God sure works in marvelous ways, doesn't He?
DeleteThanks for your compliment about the prayer and a big thank you for the photo of kite flying you posted for me. You are so thoughtful!
Thanks for stopping by today, my friend!
While walking last night coming home from work~ I was filled with happy thoughts remembering what God etched this morning in my heart "New wine...new wineskins!" It was almost like having wings on my feet.
ReplyDeleteOh most of the times, I'd wish I were God's kite. I'd be so light He could take me everywhere He wanted. But there are a lot of moments when I'd be so attached to people and things that I'd put an anchor on my feet instead.
I pray with you ~ Let the Spirit blow where it wills and when it wills.
Oh, Melissa, I love the image of new wine in the new skins; the old has passed away and the new has come! Wings, indeed!
DeleteRemember, my Dad tied the knot of the kite as tightly as possible, grounding it to the earth to assure a secure retrieval. The anchor. If we are anchored in the Lord, then we can venture upon the winds of the Spirit! Free to be!
Thank you, my dear, for stopping by. I pray you are led by the warm winds of the Holy Spirit!
So beautifully written, Martha! I need to let go of my string more to allow the Holy Spirit be my wind and take me where I'm supposed to be. :-)
ReplyDeleteIrene, thank you so much for stopping by!
DeleteYou are perched like a kite to feel His wind beneath your wings. I perceive it in your writing. It may not be tomorrow, it may not be for months, but it is in the offing.
He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. You will be soaring with the kites and upon the wings of eagles before you know it!
Let that string out! :)
What a wonderful story Martha, I loved kites as a child. I can see the excitement on your faces as you ran down that hill. You write wonderfully.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jan, for stopping by and commenting here.
DeleteI so appreciate your kind words about the writing - so encouraging to me . . .
This is a wonderful memory for me and I was glad I could share it.
Ahhhhhhhhh to fly like a kite and soar like an eagle......As always...XOXOXOOX
ReplyDeleteHi, Bonnie, and many thanks for stopping by!
DeleteYes, to soar on wings like the eagle . . . wouldn't that be grand! :)
Blessings to you!