Monday, January 2, 2012

Nothing Could be Finer Than to be at Danny's Diner . . .

John 6:12
When they were filled, he said to his disciples, "Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost."

Every Christmas, Danny prepares incredible meals for our families who will visit on or before Christmas Day.

This past year, he makes it easy on himself. He bakes two whopping dishes of lasagna, fifteen scrumptious meatballs in homemade tomato sauce, and cooks rutabagas and a broccoli-mushroom medley in vast quantities.

All ahead of time.

When the crowd gets hungry, everyone can choose what he or she wants and pop the dish in the microwave.

Presto! Dinner is served!

And, clean up? A veritable breeze! No messy stove and only the dishes, glasses, and flatware to rinse and rack.

Of course, Danny makes enough food to feed an army.

So, leftovers are plenteous!

What we don't give away to family, we eat up or freeze for later.

Nothing goes to waste.

Not one delicious, delectable morsel . . .

Not one single, solitary crumb . . .

Nothing is lost.
Danny and I are so thankful to be able to feed others besides ourselves and to not know want at our table. We pray for those less fortunate. The ones who struggle daily just to provide food for themselves and their families.

When we ask God to bless our meals, we acknowledge His presence with us. And, we recognize that all of our food, every last bit, is a testament to His grace in providing for our needs.

To squander it, to take it for granted, is nothing short of sinful.

Because, every gift from God is a treasure.

One not to be lost . . .

Will you pray today for those who are hungry?

Let us pray together:
We thank you, Father, for our daily bread. We pray for all those who do not have enough to eat, that they may be given sustenance and comfort. Let us be ever mindful of all your good and gracious gifts in our lives. Amen.

Psalms 34 or 33
1 Kings 19:1-8
Ephesians 4:1-16
John 6:1-14


  1. This Gospel of John also reminds us of what communion and gathering is all about~ bread blessed and broken.From the tangible bread we eat to the Word of God we share :) True, nothing is lost...nothing is wasted.

    Everytime we eat, we also remember those who are hungry ~ physically and spiritually. I pray with you that we may embrace them and share this 'bread' to everyone we meet (with the best that we could give).

    Amen Martha :) Amen.

  2. I'm so happy you have your Danny, Martha...

    I too often remember the hungry and wish I could do more to feed them...

  3. Thank you, Melissa, for stopping by today and leaving such a marvelous comment!
    Communion is always my favorite part of the service - the mystery of the presence of our Lord in the blessing, breaking, and sharing of the bread - physically and spiritually.
    And, yes, we should always pray for the less fortunate . . .

    Blessings, Melissa!

  4. WoW! You're making me hungry with this post! I'm grateful, not only for plenty of delicious food, but also for ongoing education to discern healthy and nutritious sustenance. As Melissa points out, this is a challenge, not only physically, but, spiritually, intellectually and emotionally, as well ;-x

  5. Hi, Linda! Great to see you here!

    I made myself hungry when writing this - LOL! And, yes, we must always be mindful of how we are feeding both our bodies and our souls and pray for guidance and wisdom to nurture them.

    Blessings for the new year! :)

  6. Meat balls and lasagna getting hungry for some..How about sending some to me here?
    I live in a country where I see the hungry everyday... I don't like to give money and when I am out I like to carry fruits so that I may hand it out... BUT will be very honest I have failed miserably at doing this..... I have to get back to it.....
    Thank you for the reminder


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