Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Light of the World, You Stepped Out Into Darkness . . ."

John 3:21
But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

Mike is up and out of the house well before daylight and on his way to work.

It's his birthday. He wishes to take the day off, but his schedule doesn't permit it. Back to back meetings. Conference calls. Last minute lunch scheduled by an essential client.

It's his birthday. No one at work acknowledges it. Even Emma, his wife, who never forgets anyone's birthday, doesn't leave a card at the table as she has done every year of their marriage.

She doesn't even get up with him to fix the coffee. To sit a few moments together before the day with all its hectic pace and demands begins.

No card. No call. No text . . .

It's his birthday. The meetings are one big yawn. Lunch gives him heartburn. The conference calls are unproductive.

And, it's nearing the end of the day . . .

No card. No call. No text . . .

"How could she forget?" Mike says angrily as he grabs his briefcase, leaves his cubicle, and heads for his car.

And, the long commute. The rush hour traffic. On a Friday. On his birthday . . .

Arriving home in the dark. After leaving for work in the dark.

Dark. Dark. Dark.

His mood. The drive. The house.

The house???

He pulls into the driveway. Parks next to Emma's car.

Not a light to be seen.

Not even on the porch for a welcome.

Mike rummages around in his glove box for a flashlight. A trip on the stairs would not be a happy ending to this most unhappy birthday.

"What's going on here?" He grumbles, irate and irritated.

He makes it safely up the walk, the stairs, and onto the eerily gloomy porch.

As he fumbles for the key which unlocks the door, a terrifying thought hits him.

It's all dark. Emma's car is here. What if something awful has happened to Emma? Did someone break in while I was at work? Did they hurt Emma? Did they . . .

He can't bring himself to finish that thought.

Frantically, he turns the key and throws the door wide.

"Emma! Emma! Are you here? Are you alright?"


The room is instantly ablaze with light. And, abounding with friends. Smiling, laughing, shouting, "Happy Birthday, Mike!"

And, there's his precious Emma, flying to him, wrapping him tightly in a hug he will never forget. Kissing him smack on the lips in front of God and everybody.

"Happy Birthday, honey! It was so hard to keep tonight a secret!"

Mike smiles broadly, and realizes it's the first one he's worn all day.

"I love you, Emma," he whispers. "You are the light of my life."

Then, turning to the guests, he whoops, "PARTY ON!"
When you were walking in darkness, who shone the light of Christ into your life?

Will you pray with me?
We are all in the dark, Father, until Your light breaks through. Let the light of Christ fill our hears with love and joy. May we shine His light into the darkness of a hurting world. Amen.

Psalms 26, 28 or 36, 39
Genesis 9:1-17
Hebrews 5:7-14
John 3:16-21


  1. The love of our lives... A wonderful post

  2. Thanks so much, Savira! I know how busy you are right now, so especially grateful you were able to stop by today.

  3. This was so sweet. That's how it is here isn't it. We think that we're alone and forgotten yet heaven is crowded with cheering souls on our behalf. Lovely Ms. Martha thank you for this tender reminder. Now pass me a piece of that birthday cake!


    1. Thanks, Leah, for stopping by!
      Yes, I think we do tend to think we are in this alone when the exact opposite is true. We have God's team on our side!
      And, one slice of cake coming up! :)

  4. Many, if not most, of us have probably been in physical need at some time. All of us are in spiritual need, and will remain that way as long as we live in this body of flesh with its carnal nature, its lusts, phobias, hatreds, jealousies and myriad other sinful proclivities. But God does not abandon us. Never.
    We can always trust in him to be there for us, no matter how hard and how far we fall. The word "never" in this passage is from "ou me", in Greek what is known as an emphatic negative . In other words, "never" means just that! Never!

    1. Thanks for your tremendous comment here, Alpana! I'm impressed with your knowledge of Greek and so glad you took time to explain here how NEVER "never" is in this passage.
      Beautiful thoughts here . . .
      Blessings and thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. Sweet story, Martha!

    When I was walking in darkness my kids lit up my life! They gave me a reason to keep trying to do and become the best I could believe in. It brings a smile to my face to remember that -- Thank you ;-)

  6. Thanks so much for dropping in today, Linda!
    Isn't it amazing how our kids can bring us through the toughest of times? Yours must have been quite the inspiration - look where you are now! :)
    Glad my words made you have those wonderful memories and made you smile.

  7. Hi Martha! YOU have shined the light for me today.

    1. Thank you so much, Debra!
      And, glad to know the light shone for you. :)

  8. Ooo Martha :D I loved what you just shared. I agree that sometimes dark clouds could cover our bright moods because of negative thoughts and worries... but the truth is all these thoughts are just in our mind.

    Well, I have Jonathan friends and whenever I feel so sensitive or hurt, they'd call me at Skype just to make me laugh LOL...we could be crazy at times, but God's light shines in laughing over our mistakes at times. It breaks self absorption away :)

    I pray with you...may Christ's light shine on us today and always.

    Thanks for your reflection :D

    1. Hi, Melissa, and thanks for dropping in!
      Yes, good times and laughter with friends is always a grand thing, especially when it pries us away from our own self-centered tendencies.
      And, isn't it wonderful when we realize the bad thoughts in our mind are our own, not what God wants for us?
      May His light shine and shine and shine on in your life!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This is a great post, Martha. It gives me a lot to think about and so I hesitate to go read something else right away . Good job :)

    1. Thanks so much, JR, for stopping by!
      I thought I left a comment for you, but didn't see it. Wow, you might get two!
      Glad this made you think and not rush on to the next reading. It's all about reflection . . .

  11. When I walk in the shadows it's the light of love from family, friends, fur kids, and God that guide me onward. With their support I'm able to face anything that comes my way!!

    1. Thanks so much, David, for stopping by today!
      Praise! You have the love of family, friends, and those ever-faithful, ever-loving canines who all contribute to a most meaningful, grace-filled life.
      With this and God on our side, who could be against us?
      No one! :)

  12. My family is the light... and a few friends. :)

  13. Hi, Rachel! Thanks so much for dropping by today!
    Yes, I take great delight in my family, too, especially my Danny who is my light.
    Blessings to you!


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