Saturday, February 11, 2012

"Cupid, Draw Back Your Bow, and Let Your Arrow Go . . ."

Genesis 29:20
So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her.

Valentine's Day is just around the corner.

That oh, so romantic time!

A day for flowers. Cards. Chocolates. Candlelit dinners.

For love . . .

All well and good and special. When you have someone special with whom to share it.

But, what if you don't?

Maybe, you are still waiting for Mr. or Miss Right to come along. Or, you have just suffered a break-up. Or, your spouse recently passed away . . .

Turning this day of celebrating love into one of sadness and grief.

I know. In the past, I endure many an achingly lonesome Valentine's.

So, if this year finds you a member of the Lonely Hearts Club, what can you do to shake the pity party and redeem the day?

Here are a few suggestions of activities you could do to lift your spirits.

*Make up goodie baskets for your children. Don't have any of your own? Why not surprise some neighborhood children with a sweet gift?

*Bake Valentine's cookies or cupcakes for your office or Sunday school class.

*Send flowers to a parent, a special relative, or a close friend.

*Send Valentine's e-cards to friends and family.

*Buy a big box of kiddie Valentine's cards to give, with a chocolate heart attached, of course, to your co-workers or neighbors.

*Visit a local nursing or assisted-living home and spread whatever Valentine's cheer you can afford.

*Pamper yourself! Take the day off from work. Go to a spa. Enjoy a massage. Get your nails done. Invite a friend to share dinner at an elegant restaurant. Give yourself a bouquet of roses. Go on! You deserve it!

*And, last, but certainly not least, write a love letter to God. Thank Him for being there for you and for loving you, not just on Valentine's Day, but every day of the year.

Rest, too, in the knowledge that the love you give away will return to you ten-fold.
How will you celebrate Valentine's Day this year?

Will you pray with me?
We are so thankful, Father, that Your steadfast love for us endures forever. Let us especially remember on this Valentine's Day, that we can love only because You first loved us. May we always seek to love and serve others in Your name. Amen.

Psalms 87, 90 or 136
Genesis 29:1-20
Romans 14:1-23
John 8:47-59


  1. Hi Martha,
    Nice reflections here.
    Here in India, celebrating Valentine's day is not a part of our culture. But, has become popular with the youth since a couple of decades.
    But showing love to others, doing that little extra on special days like this will definitely strengthen the bonds.

    1. Thanks, Janu, for dropping by today!
      I did not know this fact about Valentine's Day in India. Maybe, the youth have picked up on it because of access to the internet? Sounds plausible . . .
      And, yes, it never hurts to show love to others every day!
      Blessings to you!

  2. Hmmmm... what great ideas Martha ;) Thanks!

    1. Glad you liked these ideas, Melissa!
      As always, thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. Thank you for the suggestions. I think I will take up one of those. Perhaps write a love letter to God. God bless you Martha.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by today, Rimly!
      I'm glad you enjoyed the suggestions and are thinking of writing a love letter to God. He is certainly deserving of our love and praise and worship!
      May God bless you, too!

  4. I talk to God everyday, fight with him on some bad days, thank him for keeping me happy and safe. I will be positive and write a really nice letter to god, maybe he will reply back :)

    1. Hi, Sulekka, thanks for coming by today!
      It's great that you talk to God daily; and, fighting with Him, I have found, is okay. He is a big boy and He can take anything we dish out!:)
      That's great that you are going to write Him a letter. I'm sure He will respond if you listen with your heart!
      Blessings to you!

  5. My kids are on vacation during that time. My husband will be working both jobs and I won't even see him! So I think my kids and I will stay home and bake cookies, play games and make some valentines for my husband to see waiting for him on the counter when he gets home.

    I love the idea of the love letter to God. :)

    1. Jessica, I like the sound of your Valentine's plans - the kids will love this! Sorry your husband has to work that day, but won't he be surprised and pleased when he comes home to those cards and cookies! Maybe you all can go out another night?
      Glad you like the idea of the love letter.
      Blessings to you and thanks for coming by today!

  6. Ah, yes... where is my Jacob? I do think I'm worth all the work. :) xo Great post.

    1. Oh, yes, Rachel, you certainly are! I wondered for many years, too, where my Jacob was . . .
      So glad you liked the post today.
      Blessings to you!

  7. Replies
    1. Glad you liked this, Jan. Hope you can use or share some ideas!
      Blessings always!

  8. Oh, and Rachel and Jan, thank you for taking the time to stop by! :)

  9. In Jesus Name, AMEN! I LOVE all the SWEET ideas! Especially writing a LOVE LETTER to God!!!


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