Monday, February 6, 2012

"For the Times, They Are A-Changin'"

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Change . . .

Like it or not, it is an inevitable part of our lives.

Sometimes, change is something we choose. A new job. A hobby. Our diet. Different hairstyle. Remodeled kitchen.

But, most of the time, change is foisted upon us. It may be welcome or unwelcome.

We get married. A newborn arrives. Children grow up; move out. Parents age. We age. Loved ones pass away . . .

The list could go on . . . and on . . . and on . . .

Why is it , then, we are often so resistant to change in our lives and routines? Even downright resentful at times?

Because, change charts the unknown. Steers us in directions we never imagined. Stirs up fear and anxiety within us.

Even when change is good. Is needed. Desired.

Will my marriage last? Will I be a good enough parent? How will they do in college? On their own?

And, when it isn't.

My parents are getting older . . . how long before . . .? Is that really me in the mirror? Oh, how I miss my grandparents . . .

But, in the midst of all the changes which mar or muddle or bless our lives, we can rely on one constant.


Yesterday, today, tomorrow. Forever loving. Forever forgiving.

Forever, the same.
What are some changes you have experienced recently in your life? How are you coping?

Will you pray with me?
We thank You, Father, for sending Your Son, Jesus, to die for our sins. We know whatever changes beset us in our lifetimes, we can ever count on Him, on You, on the Holy Spirit, to be forever and always the same, steadfast and true. When changes are overwhelming, may we find rest and peace in the knowledge of Your infinite and never-changing love. Amen.

Psalms 80 or 77 (79)
Genesis 25:19-34
Hebrews 13:1-16
John 7:37-52


  1. Good Morning, Martha! ~

    Well, pretty much everything is changing all around me. I do feel kind of uncomfortable with it. But, I also feel energized and optimistic!

    I find my faith strengthened when I feel least in "control" -- thus I'm even more highly aware that there is a higher power orchestrating things in my life. Which is it's own gift ;-x

    1. Isn't it amazing that it is precisely in our weakness, i.e., feeling out of control, where His strength is perfected in us?
      When changes do happen, it is so normal to feel both the discomfort and the excitement, too. Hope these changes bring you much joy and happiness!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Moving to another country has been one of my biggest changes and I adapted pretty well I believe. I think I have reached a point in my life that I am really welcoming changes of all kinds.

    1. That is a tremendous change and adjustment! Glad you are open to change in your life - pretty much unavoidable. :)
      Thanks for dropping by today!

  3. As you know, I have been restricted to go out because of my leg surgery. It is frustrating and irritating at times. Many a times I use the time for writing and reading for which I lagged time before. This has given me an insight to my mom's suffering and What I am undergoing is just a small percentage of what she went through in life. Am grateful that this is not anything bigger. And I am getting pampered by my family.

    1. Your accident and consequent surgery are indeed changes you didn't want nor could have anticipated. I'm glad to see you making positive observations and reflections at what is a frustrating situation. Your mom must have gone through a lot . . .
      Enjoy being waited on, hand and foot, by your family!
      Thanks, Janu, for stopping by!

  4. Constants in mathematics usually intensify the result, but without them the final outcome is never correct. Jesus, as our constant, always works to intensify our outcomes in His name.

    1. This is a fantastic analogy, Danny! Yes, He is our constant, yesterday, today, and forever, the same . . .
      Love you!

  5. For sure..the only constant is change. I witness change everyday as I see my children evolving in their thoughts, growing. It's definitely reassuring knowing that no matter how fleeting the things of this world is, we always have the eternal.

    1. Children are, indeed, a constant reminder of change. I agree, Jessica, the eternal is our rock and we need not fear the myriad changes in this world.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Martha- excellent. This devotion definitely hits a nerve as I have such a hard time with change. Most change in my life now is good, and I don't avoid it, but it is nerve wracking for me. As someone who experienced deep trauma for a period of time, the unknown is very frightening. But God is timeless, faithful and true, always the same, and that is He is my anchor. Great message- blessings to you!

    1. Hi, Kimly, and thanks so much for stopping by today!
      I can certainly relate to deep trauma; my husband, John, died unexpectedly in 1997. It did a number on my nerves and shook my faith to the core.
      But, with time, I realized as you have that God truly is our constant and our anchor - we can ride out any storms of change knowing we can rest in His love.
      Blessings to you!

  7. A big change for me was watching my Mom go thru loosing her husband, my step dad. He was ill for several years, and the last 4 months was extremely hard on her. He passed away 1-13-2012
    I felt the only thing I could do, was pray for her, visit & call her on the phone. She had many of my brothers & sisters that lived nearby, helping daily.
    Some change we simply cannot avoid, but God has been wonderful to help my Mom and the rest of us cope with our greif and loss.
    Thank you for your article, it has helped. :)

    1. Hi, Lily, and thanks so much for dropping in today!
      Yes, the passing away of someone we love is a traumatic change. (See what I posted to Kimly above.)
      My heart goes out to your mother, to you, and to your family. I am so glad to know that God has been with you through it all and you have been able to lean on Him for comfort and healing.
      So gratified to know, too, that this post was helpful for you today.
      Blessings to you!

  8. This is so beautiful Martha! I'm so happy I get to reflect and share many things with you everyday. God's Word is so rich :)

    My SD once said that the people who are capable of change are the ones who are stable inside ~ deeply rooted. What a paradox then...but as I reflected in it more... it's still related on your post on trust.

    It is as how you started this reflection, God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. It's because of His constant love that one wishes to grow. I wish to grow :)

    I pray with you, may God hold us closely to Him that whenever we hear His heartbeat, we'd see how dynamic life is and that we are growing.

    1. Love what you have said here, Melissa!
      Just as the deeply rooted tree can withstand the storm, so can we navigate the changes is our roots are firmly planted in God.
      And, it is because He is steadfast and constant that we can embrace change and grow in grace in our relationship with Him and those around us.
      Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful insights!
      Blessings always!

  9. Hi, Martha. It's been about 8 months since I've been separated from my husband and some days are better than others. But times like these confirm my belief in God because it's the only way that I'm getting through the rough patches. God bless you!

  10. Thanks so much for stopping by today, Sweepy!
    So sorry to hear of the separation . . . I know this must be so painful for you. Not one of the good changes. :(
    But, I am glad to know that the Lord is getting you through the tough times. He is our constant and our comforter!
    Blessings to you, too!


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