Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Footprints in the Sand

Hebrews 11:29
By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned.

Several years ago, Danny and I decide to take our blended family plus my niece, Rebecca, to Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. We set off for the six hour drive in two cars crammed with kids and luggage.

This makes the third summer in a row for Rebecca (left), Sarah, and I to visit Jekyll. We are eager to return to this enchanting place. Son, Daniel, is thrill
ed as this is the first family vacation he has been able to go on in years.

When we arrive at the condo Danny has rented, we realize it's a bit cramped for seven, but we don't mind. We plan to spend time indoors as little as possible!

We waste no
time unloading and unpacking. It is a surprisingly pleasant June day. The heat of the south Georgia day is tempered by the cool, invigorating ocean breeze.

The condo sits facing the ocean and the beach is in sight. We can't wait to explore it!

Danny grabs his camera and off we go
. Naturally, his boys, Giovanni (left) and Nicco (center), race ahead of us, calling to Daniel to hurry up with them.

Being the good sport that he is, Daniel obliges.

It is low tide. My favorite time to walk the beach.

Because, there is always some delightful surprise the receding tide has left there. Driftwood. Shells. Pebbles. Seaweed.

I love walking the damp, smooth sand in my bare feet. Treading with ease where just hours ago, waves of deep and perilous wat
er rolled and crashed.

Where they will roll and crash again, wiping away my footprints, bringing more treasures from the sea to the shore.

Every time I stroll along a low-tide beach, I think of the children of Israel, passing through the Red Sea, on damp, but solid, ground.

Where water once stood and, by God's grace, is vanquished.

Not to return until the last and least mak
es it safely to the other side.

Then. Only then.

The thunderous roar of the mountainous waves rushing against each other. Drowning any one in their path. Washing away forever those thousands of foot prints.

But, never, the memory . . .
Are there places you visit that remind you of stories from the Bible?

Will you pray with me?
We thank you, Father, for oceans and seas and all the abundant life they hold. For beaches and tides and sweet salt breezes. For memories of good times spent with family. For all the blessings You give us every day. Amen.

Psalms 72 or 119:73-96
Genesis 22:1-18
Hebrews 11:23-31
John 6:52-59


  1. Nice post. Amazing how you paint your memories with such powerful words...I feel as if I was with you there.

    1. So good to see you here, Janu!
      I'm glad the post today made you feel like you were right there with me. Couldn't be a better compliment!

  2. This is one of the most refreshing posts I've read :) Everything felt so light. I like playing with the sand, walking along the shore and listening to the sound of the waves.

    Yes, I feel myself being carried by God in His arms whenever the hassles of daily life drown me ~ or His voice...~ in the beach.

    When I was in my mission area in North Africa, the Egyptians waiting for someone to pick them up on the roadside reminded me of the workers (Mt. 20, 1-16)the landowner hired to work in his vineyard. It made me understand this particular passage in the Bible :)

    I pray with you in thanksgiving for all of God's bounteous blessings to each one of us :D

    1. I loved all the images you shared in your post today. You have a beautiful family :)

    2. Hi, Melissa! As always, so nice to have you visit here!
      I'm glad to know you felt refreshed in reading the post today - that's certainly how I felt in writing about such a special trip.
      Love your image of the workers in the vineyard - perfect!
      And, as always, thanks for praying with me! :)

  3. Wow..I loved your descriptions and the pictures you shared. Beautiful post. I can't say that I can recall at the moment anywhere that I've been that has reminded me of a Bible story...but plenty of places have reminded me of Bible verses. At night, looking up at the stars above, I am reminded of many places in Psalms where the psalmist has cried out praise to God for the glory He has created.

    1. Thanks so much, Jessica, for stopping by today!
      Oh, yes, the night sky, especially when we are up in the mountains, is simply awesome. It makes me feel both heartened and humbled at the same time.
      Glad you enjoyed the descriptions and photos, too. :)

  4. Such a beautiful post and how I LOVE Jekyll Island! We visited once while living in Jacksonville and I really wish we could visit again, such a beautiful place.

    1. Hi, RoseAnn, thanks for stopping by today!
      I'm so glad you enjoyed this post. Since you've been to Jekyll, you know first hand how gorgeous it is. Hope you do get to visit there again; we haven't been back since this trip. I miss it, too! :)

  5. You brought back memories of my trip to Jekyll Island. It was so fun. Nice place to take your family....hope to visit it again.

    1. Hi, Sukanya, thanks for stopping by!
      Glad I could bring back some warm and wonderful memories for you. It is such a beautiful place . . .
      Hope you get to return there some time.

  6. Martha, this was beautiful! I felt the peace of strolling along the ocean's shore. I can't count the number of times biblical stories and scriptures come to my mind, often in a single day. Thank you for this one.
    Sending love,

    1. Hi, Leah, thanks for stopping by!
      So glad to know you felt again that indescribable peace found at the ocean shore.
      And, wow, that's great that the stories and verses are so much a part of your everyday experiences. :)

  7. Martha, you did a fine job with the word painting. I felt like I was there, right there walking along the beach with you. And I could feel the breeze on my face and the warm sand on my feet. You are an outdoor gal aren’t you? Your writing suggests such.

    1. Hi, Debra, so wonderful to see you here.
      Yes, no apologies, I love being outdoors. Glad the descriptions here made you feel so present in the moment!
      Painting with words . . . love that imagery.
      Trying! :)
      Blessings to you!

  8. I agree with Debra, I felt like I was right there on the beach. It must have been quite something to see the ocean part for the Israelites to walk on dry land. We serve such an amazing God!

    1. Hi, Nelieta, I know you have been so busy, so really appreciate you stopping by today.
      Yes, what a wonder this must have been! As I read scripture in prep for these daily devotions, I never cease to be amazed at how many times this story is recounted in the psalms. A mighty miracle, indeed!
      Blessings to you!

  9. What a lovely thought! I'm sure I will think of it now when I walk the beach. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping in, Rachel!
      Glad this post gave you something new to think about the next time you're at the beach. :)

  10. Situations remind me of the Bible more than places. Although, someday I hope to visit the lands of those ancient stories....

    1. Thanks, Linda, for coming by!
      It would be great to visit the Holy Land; I've never been, either. Maybe, one day . . . :)

  11. This is so great, sometime I'd like to walk on a warm beach. I see evidence of God everywhere.

    1. Hi, Jan, and thanks for stopping by!
      Yes, a beach would feel great right about now . . .
      And, you are so right - evidence of God's mighty hand is in every facet of creation.


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