Saturday, February 25, 2012

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit . . .

Philippians 4:13
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

We are four days into the season of Lent.

I decide at the last minute to add one more practice. One which I attempted briefly years ago, but, just couldn't manage to stick with it.

Praying the rosary.

My fingers, still itching to play computer solitaire, find solace as I caress each bead.

The peace of mind induced through my daily yoga routine enhances my ability to focus on the prayers and meditate upon the Holy Mysteries.

I have to read the prayers at first. It will take much longer than these four days to memorize all but the Our Father and Hail, Mary.

It, indeed, may take the entire forty days of Lent.

But, I am determined to stay with it this time. Hoping this discipline of prayer will last long after this season has passed.

And, no, the changes I've made in my everyday activities are not easy. Not yet comfortable. Not disciplines I can accomplish on my own.

But, can do only through the One who gives me strength.

Who calls me into a closer, more intimate relationship with Him.

Jesus, my Lord . . .
Are your Lenten resolutions still in place? How are you progressing? Are you finding it tough going? Or, has it been easier, and more rewarding, than you could have imagined?

Will you pray with me?
Bless and comfort us, Father, during this time of Lent when it is difficult to keep our commitments to You. Remind us that Your strength is perfected in our weakness. Help us to trust that You will see us through. Amen.

Psalms 30, 32 or 42, 43
Ezekiel 39:21-29
Philippians 4:10-20
John 17:29-26


  1. I have never participated in lent. It is an excellent practice though. I needed to hear that opening verse. xoxo

    1. Hi, Rachel!
      Thanks so much for stopping by today!
      It's not too late to start if you choose to. :) So glad to know the opening verse inspired you today.
      Blessings to you!

  2. The rosary has been a big thing in my family all my life, I was taught young, we prayed as a family for many years. I still try to daily and if not then I say a few when I think about it.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, RoseAnn!
      Not being brought up Catholic, this is a whole new experience for me and one, this time around, I am loving very deeply.
      Thank you for sharing your experience with the rosary here today.

  3. I am not a Christian,but i do believe in it,I still have my rosary that I had way back in school,and unintentionally say it when I am troubled(which I am 24*7)....Thank u for this Martha.

    "The rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there enact the greatest drama of love the world
    has ever known; it is the book of the simple, which initiates them into mysteries and knowledge more
    satisfying than the education of other men; it is the book of the aged, whose eyes close upon the shadow
    of this world, and open on the substance of the next. The power of the rosary is beyond description."

    1. Thank you, Alpana, for stopping by today (have missed you!) and leaving this beautiful quote about the rosary and its meaning for all the readers to enjoy and reflect upon.
      And, it is so true, that the prayers we learn when young will come back to us so readily in times of trouble . . .
      Praying for you, my friend!

  4. We were initiated into rosary praying when we were young...I was doing it then, but, not anymore...I feel I need to start again.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, Janaki!
      Wow! If you are feeling the need to start again, maybe God is speaking to you about this practice. It is all new to me, but I am already enjoying the peace I find in the beautiful repetition of prayers and meditations on the Holy Mysteries.
      Blessings to you!

  5. I am not consciously observing Lent this year, however, I have concentrated on becoming more spiritually disciplined lately, seeking to grow loser with God and gaining more insights and clarity into His nature.

    I've never used a rosary but I love the concept. I think it can be a truly meaningful practice. Hope you don't mind but I do have a short story regarding the rosary...

    When my husband and I first got married we moved in with his grandmother who had parkinson's disease and alzheimer's. It came to the point where she didn't recognize us anymore, she would was very sad. I was oftentimes alone with her a lot. I'd pray with her as she sat staring off , gazing at nothing in particular. One day she was particularly unresponsive when an idea came to me. She was catholic, as was my husband's entire family. I went into her bedroom and from her dresser took her rosary. She probably hadn't had it in her hands for more than a year because it was down to the point where her family just thought about her basic needs, no longer her spiritual. I took it off her dresser and went into the living room where she stared blankly off into the distance. Not knowing if she'd even recognize it, I just felt the right thing to do was put it in her hands.

    Her eyes seemed to come alive. A huge smile came on her face and she moved her delicate hands, skin nearly transclucent, over the beads. And she began to repeat the rosary. At a time when she didn't even know her own name, out of memory, out of the blue, something deep within her recognized the rosary and recalled the words...I remember really being touched by that.

    Ok..sorry...not meaning to write a blog post in response to your blog post! :)

    1. Oh, Jessica, no apologies needed! This is a most touching and beautiful story and all the readers will be blessed by your sharing this today. Take a look at the quote Alpana left - matches perfectly with your husband's grandmother's experience.
      Thanks so much for stopping by and taking time to share your precious memories!
      Blessings to you!

  6. Philippians 4:13
    I can do all this through him who gives me strength

    one of my favorite verses of all time. X

    1. Thanks so much, Kim, for stopping by today!
      Yes, this verse is one of my favorites, too. When I am feeling down or just tired, this one comes to mind and cheers me on!
      Blessings to you!

  7. I haven't been consistent in praying the rosary lately, Martha. Due to laziness, maybe? Not a good excuse, I know. I'm doing my best to be more consistent this time. Thank you for this beautiful reminder. :-)

    1. Hi, Irene, and thanks so much for stopping by!
      I'm glad my post today reminded you to return to the rosary prayers. They are so beautiful and meditative . . . I am delighted with this experience.
      Blessings to you!

  8. This is a beautiful post Martha. When you started your reflection of Lent on taking up our cross and carrying it, I wasn't sure I would be able to make it but I did, not because of me but because of Christ Who constantly strengthens me.

    I am taming parts of me that are a bit wild ~ my sleeping and waking up patterns, my moods, my body, my way of thinking, my mode of dressing, inordinate desires and attachments.

    Praying with Mama Mary is very effective. I oftentimes do it unconsciously that it would pass me by without noticing I have already finished. Staying focused and bringing the world into prayer, gives it more weight...the beads become the very people I pray for...

    E' un bellissimo cammino Martha. Thank you for these daily reflections.

    1. Thank you so much, Melissa, for your so thoughtful comment here!
      You have given yourself quite a tall order for Lent, but you CAN do all things through Christ.
      I love this description of how you pray the rosary; I am hoping that I, too, will reach that point as I can already feel the meditative, spiritual power of this practice. Wondering what took me so long to take up this practice!
      Thank you, Melissa, for your marvelous support of my devotions and for being a devoted reader!

  9. Martha, you have written yet another beautiful, inspirational post. I always enjoy your writings, and I always leave with food for thought. You give me cause for reflection in my own life. Thank you!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...