Monday, April 30, 2012

Conversations of the Heart

Colossians 4:6
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

I love everything about blogging!  From writing the draft, to typing it onto my blog page, to scheduling it, to publishing it.

But, my absolutely favorite part of the whole process is reading comments from my beloved readers.  Always interesting.  Always insightful.  Ever encouraging.  Filled with wit and wisdom.

And, sometimes, posing questions or scenarios which beg a conversation.

How I relish responding to each and every one!

I read them closely and carefully, mindful of what is being said or inferred, and I do my best to give a personal reply that will be meaningful to them.

And, it's always interesting to see, based on the comments, who is not only reading the devotion, but is also reading the comments of others.  Many times, the comments build upon one another, and it feels as though the whole community is exchanging ideas.  How wonderfully amazing!

On the flip side, I, too, read the blogs of many friends with whom I grow closer with each reflection read and every comment I give to them.  It's a thrill to return to their posts to find they have replied to me with such thoughtful words.  Acknowledging my input.  Appreciating my presence.

Making my heart sing.  Bringing a smile to my face.

All those beautiful exchanges.  The thoughtfully crafted words.

The answers for each individual who takes time to visit.

Conversations . . .

Full of grace.  Seasoned with the salt of the Spirit.

Right from the heart.
When you visit your favorite blogs, do you usually leave a comment for the author?

Will you join me in prayer?
Thank You, Father, for the friendships made through blogging.  What a gift to be able to share our thoughts and feelings with others and be encouraged and uplifted in doing so.  May our conversations continue to be loving and fruitful and blessed in Your sight.  Amen.

Psalms 41, 52 or 44
Exodus 32:1-20
Colossians 3:18-4:6 (7-18)
Matthew 5:1-10  


  1. I only comment if I feel I have something to say, which is most of the time. Sometimes I just read and move along.

    1. Thanks for coming by today, RoseAnn.
      I do love your comments! :) Thanks for so often leaving one here.

  2. Another lovely post. Like The Social Frog, I too comment only if I have something to say. I do try to read some more from the blog to get to know the author. I do my best to leave a word of encouragement or appreciation for the time taken to bare the heart, soul and mind online.

    Best regards,

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Mary!
      Glad to know you try to get to know the authors as you read their blogs. Like you and RoseAnn, most of the time I do leave comments at the posts I visit, also to show encouragement and appreciation.

  3. Dear Martha,
    I find that reading others blogs is like going to a Candy Store, so many great blogs to read. I only comment it I have something to say, sometimes the blogs are so moving I don't know what to say I'm speechless!!

    1. Thanks so much for dropping in today, Cathy!
      Oh, it is like a candy store - what a great analogy!
      And, yes, there have been times when I can't find words either, but I try. :)

  4. Hi Martha:
    I follow several blogs and sometimes it's awhile between visits but I ALWAYS return to my favorites. Blogging is important to me too as I've always had the itch:
    to write. I MUST scratch.

    Like you, I hope what I have to say helps someone move forward. All the people in my blogging circle feel like friends and I write my blog for all my visitors but I most look forward to hear from my blogging community,

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today, Chris!
      Like you, I return again and again to my favorites and love being a part of the blogging community where I have made so many dear friends.
      So glad I subscribe to Wisdom and Life - it always makes my day to read your post. :)
      Blessings to you!

  5. I love how Paul nicely wrote that for the Colossians...seasoned with salt...full of grace! He is need a very passionate man...full of fire... That's how I see you following Christ and sharing His Words to us.

    I love how these conversations of the heart are formed through reflections...they stir something deep within like recognizing Christ in the breaking of the bread.

    I truly wish I could write my comments to every blog I come across with... but aside from time, I use another mail at work.

    Anyhow, I put in my heart whatever I could take from what I read :)

    I echo your prayer: Thank you God for friendships made through blogging :)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by today, Melissa!
      Oh, I am extremely humbled that you would compare my words to those of St. Paul . . . wow . . .
      And, what a divine way to look at the true conversations of the heart, how they do "stir something deep within like recognizing Christ in the breaking of the bread". A spiritual revelation!
      Thank you for praying with me - so glad I've become your friend through blogging. I am most fortunate!
      Blessings to you!

  6. Martha that is one thing I admire about you. You come, read and comment with a passion. I always look forward to your comments. Like most I try and not miss my favorite blogs and most times I leave a comment. I love when my friends come and read my posts and leave their insights and I try and respond to all of them. I have been in and out of the blogging scene for awhile now and I know I have missed quite a lot. I hope to go and read them. I loved your prayer at the end.

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by, Rimly, and for your kind words. Yes, I DO love to comment, especially on favorite blogs and, of course, everyone in the Blogplicity community. What an amazing group of writers!
      Yes, we have certainly missed your presence and your great writing and I'm so, so glad you are back on the scene.
      Glad you liked the prayer. :)
      Blessings to you!

  7. This is so true. I feel like I "know" some people I have never met just from having their blogs touch me. Love the daily devotions.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, Kathy!
      So glad to know you love the daily devotions. I so appreciate it!
      And, yes, I feel I know some people through their blogs better than those folks I've met in person. :)
      Blessings to you!

  8. Martha, even though we think about our faith in different ways, your is always one of the first I visit when I get a chance to be online for more than a minute or two. the reason or that is because of the way you tell your stories, always teaching and always loving. I know when I come here I can be put into a more positive frame of mind.
    Not to the point of this post, I try to comment when have something pertinent to say and me being me even when I don't. I love reading others comments to get their perspective on a post, thus helping me to maybe see it a little more clearly. comments on my own posts are always a joy to read with so much love and support, I know that I can be successful in whatever the current endeavor. Thank you <3

    1. Jan, thank you so much for stopping by today!
      I am humbled and honored that you seek out my daily posts and heartened to know they put you in the right frame of mind for the day. I do know that in writing them, I derive great joy.
      And, yes, I, too, love reading comments on my site for the encouragement, the insights, and clearer perspective. It's all good! :)
      Glad you chose to join in this conversation today.
      Blessings to you!

  9. Sorry for all the typos in that comment

  10. Wonderful post, Martha! I think we all enjoy the comments process of blogging; I know I do. We write for the joy of writing, and the delightful part is when someone lets us know that they felt that similar click. I have been fortunate to meet so many talented writers/bloggers around the world via this medium. Blogging has been life changing for me in that regard, and very enriching to broadening and sharpening my writing skills. I do interact on a mindful basis with other bloggers, taking time to read their work and then leave thoughtful comments about the content.

    I also relish the experience of seeing the world through that other person's eyes, their thoughts, their heart. I come away changed in positive ways, endlessly.

    Big hugs and smiles to you, Martha! :)

    - Dawn

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by, Dawn!
      Your comment here says it all about the benefits and joys of blogging. It is so gratifying to make new friends and, as you point out, see the world through another's eyes. Such positive, uplifting experiences!
      Hugs and smiles right back at you!

  11. I always leave a comment! I know I always enjoy getting them from visitors to my blog so figure taking the extra minute or two to write a reflection or response is worth it. I love when conversations start on threads too...very interesting!

    Loved this post Martha.

    1. Glad to see you here, Jessica!
      It looks like we are in the same boat, my friend, leaving comments and loving to see them on our own blogs. It's rewarding all the way around!
      So happy you enjoyed the post.

  12. Oh Martha, you are so brilliant with your comments and with your responses too. I admire your generosity and discipline and am secretly trying to emulate you (not a secret any longer!) but have miles to go. ♥

    1. Corinne, you are way, way too kind!
      I love visiting Everyday Gyaan because you always have such thought-provoking, soul-searching topics. Leaving comments is a "must-do" on your site! :)
      Thanks so much for stopping by today.

  13. I am a stickler for communication and I respond to comments on my blog about 98.7% of the time. I feel gratified that people not only took the time to read my writing but to comment so even if I only acknowledge them with a simple thank you I think that is necessary. I also comment as much as I can on other blogs. I regret not getting to read every post, but I do my best. I value the ideas expressed and the connections made through blogging and believe we grow more when we sprout together. Thanks for this thoughtful blog post Martha. :-)

    1. Thanks for coming by, Tameka!
      I, too, am one of those communication sticklers! I know I've dropped the ball on a few comments in the past, but try now to always respond to my readers. If nothing else, as you expressed, to thank them for taking the time to drop in and leave their thoughts.
      There are those days, and today will probably be one of them, when I don't get around to everyone's blog whom I follow, but, like you, I truly try!

  14. It is truly amazing, this blogging world I have found myself entwined in. The people, the content, varies from person to to blog. What a wonderful place to be! I am the same as you Martha...I enjoy my comments and the interaction some posts bring. I also look forward to reading what my other blogging friends have written. I sometimes get behind and find myself struggling for time to catch-up, but most times I am successful and get back to each blog to read what they have taken time to write ☺ Thank you for sharing all that you do on your blog. It is a place I come to that can brings me to contemplation on my life at that particular time. You are a very talented writer and I'm happy that our paths are crossed. Thank you for joining in our 'Blogging and Friends' blog hop!

    1. Hi, Mary, so glad you stopped by and so glad I had a chance to join the blog-hop, albeit with something I had already published. Danny and I are out of town and I just now have a chance to reply to comments since this morning.
      I, too, am so happy that our life paths have crossed and I surely treasure you as a blogging friend. You always have such wisdom, insight, and great, new recipes to share with us all. I love leaving comments on your site and seeing the conversation thread there. It's difficult, I know, to always respond to comments, but I think we all try our best, don't we?
      Blessings to you!

  15. When I was posting images or words about myself the feedback or comments were bountiful and it was exciting reading all of them and responding to them... Who would have thought that this was possible ... there were people like yourself reading my simple words or viewing my images.... You are and have always been encouraging and gentle and i thank you for showing me this ..

    1. Thank you, Savira, for stopping by today and leaving this so kind and generous comment.
      Yes, who would have thought any of this could have ever been possible just 15 years ago? It's a whole new world! As I said in response to Mary's comment, I'm so glad our paths have crossed for the better in this blogo-sphere, and I know I am a better person for the inspiration you and others offer.
      Blessings to you!

  16. Hi, Martha. Yes, I leave comments, for the most part and I try to respond to comments for anyone kind enough to leave me one. I think that is what blogging is about, sharing thoughts, giving feedback, and getting feedback. <3

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Adrienne, and please forgive me for taking so long to respond. Lol! Just what this blog is all about, ironically. :)
      I do appreciate seeing your responses on your blog, too, my friend.

  17. Thanks for stopping by, Tbaoo!
    I will definitely check to see if I can get to your posts. I will be sure to let you know if there is a warning involved.

  18. Still getting that warning, my friend. Wonder what is up with that? Hope you can get this resolved.

  19. Dear Martha,
    I'm a talker...always have been. I love responding to comments and set aside an hour or two just to read up on my favorite blogs & respond to comments. I love interacting with the reader through my comments and it makes me especially happy when the reader returns again to respond to my reply and then someone else might add something too.
    Wonderful,reflective post.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Andy!
      I think we're both very much talkers. :) I love doing the same things you describe here.
      Glad you enjoyed the post.
      Blessings to you!

  20. I LOVE getting comments too, Martha! They are like hugs and they never fail to make my heart sing with joy! I enjoy reading other people's comments on other blogs as well. It's amazing how different insights can be learned from one post because other people share their wisdom and views on a certain subject.

    And thank you so much for the uplifting comments you leave on my posts! Take care and God bless, dear friend! <3 :-)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Irene, and leaving such a sweet comment - so enjoy yours always!
      Comments are like hugs, aren't they? Everyone sharing their love and interest in what you have to say. And, I, like you, learn so much from the wisdom of others.
      Blessings to you!

  21. Hi, Martha! ~

    What a sweet and inspiring post -- I am in complete agreement and I couldn't have said it better myself ;-x

    I've finally joined the Blogging and Friends Blog Hop, too!

    Please stop by when you have a chance XOXOX:

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Linda!
      I will be sure to visit you, too!

  22. I often read your blog but, seldom do I comment. As much as I would love to read posts and all the comments and then reply I just cannot do that with my time constraints and technical issues. Besides, I'm sure you already know how I feel about you, your blog is just icing. xoxo

    1. Thanks for this comment, Jenni - it means a lot to me! Glad to know, too, that you are enjoying the reads.
      Blessings to you!

  23. Ohhhh Martha I am sorry that it has taken such a long time for me to get back here....I lost interest in everything including my own reading and writing... silly of me since visiting your blog I always come away with something whether it is up lifting or questions or whatever... thank you for being part of this blog hop.. I love you...As always...XOXOXOXO

    1. Oh, it's so great to see you around again, Bonnie! I sure have missed you!
      Glad that I had a chance to participate in this blog hop - so much fun to share and see what others have to say.
      Blessings to you, my dear!


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