Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Are You Headed in the Right Direction?

John 15:5
"I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

When driving to a new place, I make absolutely sure I have good directions.  Ones that I review many times before getting behind the wheel.  Ones that stay on my lap for easy reference as I drive.

My awareness is heightened.  I notice every street sign and stop light.  Gas station and strip mall.  Not wishing to miss my turn.  Or, make the wrong one.

Intent.  Observant.  Open to the slightest nuance along the way.

But, when driving to a familiar place like my gym or the grocery store, my guard is down.  I'm on automatic pilot.  Cruising along obliviously.  Barely noticing anything but the road and the cars ahead of me.

Casual.  Complacent.  Closed to the signs and landmarks I pass by.

These two scenarios aptly describe how we choose to travel the road of life.

We can journey with purpose and passion.  Attentively seeking the signs and wonders all around us.

Or, we can muddle through in a dreamy fog.  Drifting aimlessly.  Missing the little miracles right under our very noses.

Which road are you on?

Are you living large?  Truly alive and aware?  Meeting challenges head-on?  Bearing much fruit?

Or, are you plodding along timidly?  Reluctantly?  Devoid of goals and dreams and desires?  Letting life happen to you instead of making it happen?

God has a plan for your life.  A road map in His hands.

He won't force it on you.  He would like you to choose it.

To choose to abide in Him that He might abide in you.

And, to live the abundant, fruitful, meaningful, passionate life that is meant exclusively for you.
Will you ask the Lord for directions?

Will you join me in prayer?
Unless we abide in You, Father, and You in us, we cannot live fully or abundantly.  We cannot bear good fruit for Your kingdom.  Help those of us yet to find our passion in life to earnestly seek it and allow You to guide us on our way in joy and thanksgiving for this wonderful life.  Amen.

Psalms 119:1-24 or 12, 13, 14
Exodus 15:22-16:10
1 Peter 2:1-10
John 15:1-11 


  1. I definitely think it helps to be mindful during one's journey. Where I was once drifting not too long ago I feel my inner senses heightened and more focused. It feels good to be on a sure and steady path with lamp posts lighting the way.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Jessica!
      I definitely thought of you when I wrote this one. And, yes, it does feel so good to live awake and aware.
      Blessings to you!

  2. I always ask god for strength because as you say he lets us choose our way. So whatever choice I make I ask him to give me the strength to face all that comes on that road. We all do auto pilot sometime or the other. If only we could be more conscious and alert. Lovely Martha.

    1. It's great to see you back here, Rimly!
      It is so important to ask God for guidance in our lives at every juncture. Praying for strength to meet all the challenges that may come is wise indeed!
      I'm working on being more awake and aware each day.
      Blessings to you!

  3. I was wondering the same thing for Moses too...loved the cartoon you put up there LOL...

    God is a strong guide I believe but somehow I lose my direction because I'd like to be independent and try my own way. Sometimes, I approximate what He wants...sometimes not. We were taught to discern the movements of the Spirit to know which direction we should be heading. I guess, it also takes sincerity to align the mind and heart's desires.

    I pray that in every decision I make, I put God first. To be so aware of what I'm doing that His presence may be felt...

    I pray that I'll remain in Him no matter what...I pray with you and with all the others, that we may hold on to God. I know He never lets go.

    1. Oh, yes, Melissa, God is our strong guide. Like you, I have bucked him and wanted to go my own way in the past. It simply doesn't work.
      I love how you were taught discernment, to pray to Him before making a move, and it does take a sincere trust and faith to align our desires with His for us. If you put God first, then all falls into place.
      Thank you for your prayers, my dear. We know He is everlasting and never lets go, no matter what.
      Blessings ever, my friend!

  4. This is a wonderful analogy, Martha! I may have mentioned this before or you may have known from my blog that I'm not a Christian or a follower of any organized religion. But I love your blog and the way you teach. I do absolutely believe in God. I travel through life like I have a purpose though I often need a GPS! ;p God bless you, you are a treasure. xox

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Sweepy!
      I'm so glad you liked the analogy here and that you are enjoying visiting and reading my blog. I try! :)
      Oh, and, in "GPS", let the "G" stand for God!
      Blessings to you!

  5. Well Martha, I think you know already how I live my life. And I also totally agree with Adrien, ("Sweepyjean"), you are a blessing.

    1. Thank you so much, Jan, for stopping by and leaving such a kind compliment. I am humbled!
      Blessings to you!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Luther!
      Glad to know you are going in the right direction. :)
      Blessings to you!

  7. AMEN!
    I am all open to listen to His directions.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Nikky!
      That's great that you are open to Him and listening for His directions for your life. You're on the right track!
      Blessings to you!

  8. I loved this one, Martha. Yes, I don't want to be drifting in my life but alert and ever aware of everything.

    1. Corinne, it's such a better place to be - awake, alert, aware, alive!
      Thanks so much for stopping by!
      Blessings to you!

  9. Martha evcery now and again one reads a post that makes them sit back, and think. You've not only done that, you've also ensured i'll be reflecting on your words for the rest of the evening. You know 'passion' is what is central to my life, and is provides the energy to every thing i am. You have just given meaning to something my mother AL;WAYS said, its written on your bottom Larry, yoiu just have to find it. Its what you write as a road map in his hand. Thank you for the WOW MOMENT.

    1. Larry, I am so gratified to know that this post gave you that wonderful "wow moment". I thought of you and your inspirational blog when writing this as I know how near and dear passion for life is to you. Would that everyone would live life to its most passionate!
      Thanks so much for coming by!
      Blessings to you!


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