Monday, April 16, 2012

Putting Her Eggs in One Basket

John 14:8
Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father, and it will be enough for us."

This Easter, my granddaughter, Virginia Rose, is treated to her first Easter egg hunt.

I take such delight in preparing this event for her.  I "hide" the brightly colored eggs in our living and dining rooms, careful to place them where I think she can easily spot them.

When she arrives at our house with her mom and dad, she is beaming with excitement.  We're not sure if she understands exactly what she will be doing, but it's obvious she knows something fun is in store.

I hand her the Easter basket which she takes eagerly.

Then, still smiling, she stands and looks at us, not knowing where to begin.

"Look, Virginia," her mother prompts, "there's a yellow egg on the shelf.  Go get it and put it in your basket."

Virginia looks and looks.  But, several seconds go by before she actually sees the egg.  When she does, she quickly toddles over to it, grasps it, and places it into the waiting basket.

"Good job!"  We all exclaim with a round of applause for emphasis.

"I see a blue egg, Virginia," says her dad, pointing toward it.

Again, she doesn't see at first.  She simply heads trustingly in the direction she's been shown.

Oh, how her eyes light up when she discovers it!

Plunk!  Into the basket it goes.

Now, she is catching on.  Knows what she is looking for.

And, it isn't long before her basket is full.

Just as Philip looked at Jesus, but didn't recognize the Father, have you ever looked at something, but didn't see it for what it truly was?

Will you pray with me?
If we want to know you, Father, we must look to Your Son, Jesus.  We need to hear His teachings and follow His commandment to love as He loves us.  Help us to see Him clearly and let Him fill us daily with Easter joy.  Amen.

Psalms 1, 2, 3 or 4, 7
Exodus 14:21-31
1 Peter 1:1-12
John 14:(1-7) 8-17 


  1. She is so cute...You snapped the pics so elegantly... :-)
    Very soon she will run for the eggs, collecting them in no time... :-)

    1. Thank you, Anshul, for dropping in today!
      I have to give credit for the photos to my husband - photography is his hobby and he is so good at it. :)
      Yes, next year, I will REALLY have to hide those eggs!
      Blessings to you!

  2. That sounds like fun Martha :D Virginia is so adorable! Her images are so lovely :)

    Many times I have only seen things superficially. I haven't looked further enough into what God was saying. When I got sick and had to go home after years of doing mission...when people I love choose to go another road...when I see through people who beg to be noticed... There are so many circumstances when I fail to see Christ but at the same time, He always give signs and other opportunities to look back at my journey and say, hey, you missed the point ;)

    I pray with you...

    1. Isn't it amazing how God gives us those chances, again and again and again? So many times, I, too, have missed opportunities to see and serve, but He never gives up on me, nor will He ever give up on you!
      And, yes, we had a glorious time watching the little one gather the eggs at Easter.
      Thank you so much for coming by and for praying with me!
      Blessings always!

  3. Your columns title today stood out to me. NOT putting all my eggs in one basket today. Been seeing this message come through the past few days. This is just the latest example. As I'm fond of saying:
    These things happen to EVERYONE on a daily basis, but unless we're walking this path we won't see them as divine.

    Have an awesome day, Martha.

    1. Oh, yes, Chris, they certainly do happen daily, but we need to be awake and aware enough to see them. Glad you are NOT putting all your eggs in one basket! :)
      Thanks for stopping by today; I'll be hopping over to your latest post shortly.
      Blessings to you!

  4. Awww your granddaughter is super cute, Martha! I was actually smiling while I was reading your post! So adorable! :-)

    And to answer your question... Yes. Because maybe I was preoccupied with my doubts and worries that's why I failed to notice. I think I need to free my mind of those useless doubts and worries so that I could look at His blessings more closely.

    Thank you so much for this beautiful reminder, Martha! Take care and God bless! <3 :-)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Irene!
      Yes, our doubts and worries can and do fog our clarity of vision. We get so caught up in them we can't, as they say, see the forest for the trees. And, we miss the blessing . . .
      And, thank you for your kind words about Virginia. She is my love, as I'm sure you can tell!
      Blessings to you!

  5. What a delightful egg hunt! I wish I had experienced one when I was a child. Thank you for always sharing your inspiring posts, and do continue with your daily devotional, which God has entrusted you. When I put up my blog, I just wanted to organize the things that matters most to me, but later I heard a message that says,"Comfort my people." And that's when I started writing articles that could help heal other people's pain, including mine.

    1. Thanks so much, Joyce, for stopping by!
      Oh, I got goosebumps reading your message here - "Comfort my people". God does lead us when we allow Him to and guides us to see those things we would have missed, like Virginia not "seeing" the obvious eggs.
      Know you, too, will continue to bring healing and inspiration to others through your blog!
      Blessings to you!

  6. Little Virginia Rose is such a sweetie, Martha ♥ This is such a sweet story and as always, so well linked to the reflection. Very often, in the past, I've forgotten to reach out for God's love when it was just there and went after 'bad eggs'. When I did finally reach out, He truly filled my basket.

    1. Thank you, Corinne! I think she is, too, but I am quite biased here. :)
      I love your image here of going after the "bad eggs"; I know I've chased after too many in the past. I'm so glad that God has filled up your basket with joy and love and blessings!
      Hugs! <3


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