Thursday, April 5, 2012

"Do This in Remembrance of Me . . ."

Mark 14:16
The disciples left, went into the city and found things just as Jesus had told them.  So they prepared the Passover.

The Last Supper . . .

The last meal Jesus will ever share in earthly form with His disciples.  His closest friends.

And, the enemy He knows is about to betray Him.

The beginning of the end.  Here.  In this upper room.  At Passover.

A holy meal of remembrance for the Jews.  When the blood of the unblemished lamb, smeared onto their door lentils, spares the lives of the firstborn.  Defeats the angel of death.

Delivers God's chosen people from Pharaoh's ruthless grip.

Remember . . .

The bread.  Lifted up.  Blessed.  Broken.

"This is my body . . ."

The cup of wine.  Lifted up.  Blessed.  Poured.

"This is my blood . . ."

And, the Passover is transformed.

A new commandment is given.

"Do this in remembrance of me."

The lamb.  Innocent.  Pure.  Holy.

Sacrificed.  On a cross.  Dying for the sins of many.

Body broken.  Blood poured.

The death which forgives.  Redeems.  Raises up.

His death defeats death.

And, we are delivered, once and for all, from its grip.
Will you be attending a Maundy Thursday service today in remembrance of Jesus?

Will you pray with me?
May we faithfully and with thanksgiving, Father, remember our Lord Jesus in the breaking of the bread and the sharing of the cup.  In communion, we are made one body in Him and He in us.  May this union infuse us with His love that we might love others.  Amen.

Psalms 102 or 142, 143
Lamentations 2:10-18
1 Corinthians 10:14-17; 11:27-32
Mark 14:12-25 


  1. I always look forward to this particular holiday and the time it affords me to reconnect with my roots in so many ways. Time is spent with family and focus is given to the true meaning of Easter. Your post was beautiful and gave me a jump start to my weekend, with my heart feeling flooded with that inestimable sense of peace.

    Happy Easter to you, Martha. <3

    - Dawn

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by, Dawn!
      I'm so glad this post made you focus on Easter's true meaning and has you looking forward to spending time with your family. And, oh, that peace which passes all understanding . . .
      A blessed and happy Easter to you, too!

  2. Happy Easter in advance Martha. This post warmed my soul. Yes, this do always in remembrance. :-)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Tameka!
      Yes! Ever in remembrance . . .
      May your Easter be blessed as well!

  3. In JESUS Name AMEN!!! Yes, in remembrance of all He sacrificed for US! Thank you JESUS!!! Happy Easter!

    His Cup

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Farfalla!
      His sacrifice, His suffering, for our sake. Yes! Unending thankfulness to our Lord!
      Blessed Easter!

  4. Blessings to you this Holy Week. Happy Easter, my friend. <3

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Sweepy!
      May blessings abound for you this Easter and always!

  5. I used this to prepare myself yesterday for the Holy Feast.

    The words, "Do this in remembrance of me," rung in my mind...

    We do all these in remembrance of Him and His great love for us.

    Thank you for all your reflections Martha. I pray with you.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Melissa, and for your kind words!
      Oh, yes, always we do this in remembrance of Him. I'm so gratified you could use this reflection to prepare you for the Holy Feast.
      Have a blessed Good Friday and Easter!


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