Monday, March 19, 2012

"And, They Called It Puppy Love . . ."

Mark 7:23
"Lord," she replied, "even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs."

My younger brother, Bill, and I are beside ourselves with excitement.  Our family is moving from an apartment to our very own home!

But, even more thrilling for us is that, at long last, we can finally have a dog.

I've made it known to my parents for years that I can't wait for the day we bring home a puppy.

"I promise," Dad tells me, "we'll get that puppy when we buy a house.  And, I'll make sure that house has a big, fenced-in yard for the dog to play in."

Good to his word, Dad takes the family to view a litter of mixed/Springer Spaniel pups three days before our scheduled move.  We all agree on a spirited, affectionate, albeit short-haired, white and black female.

We name her "Dutchess".  Not "Duchess" for royalty.  "Dutchess".  Because, surely, this active, inquisitive pup will get herself  "in Dutch" in no time!

Which she does.  Chewing on shoes.  Gnawing on furniture.  Shredding rawhide bones like paper.

Eating half a cake when Mom isn't looking.

Eating anything and everything for that matter!

But, the one thing Mom and Dad tell Bill and me NEVER to do is feed her from the table.

"It will make a horrible beggar out of her," Mom warns.  "Dutchess needs to learn good manners."

So, we don't offer her a morsel during mealtime.

That does not deter Dutchess from sitting by us, her soulful, amber-brown eyes keeping a sharp lookout for the errant carrot or escaped scrap of hamburger which falls from plate to floor.

She soon figures out where to place herself.  Right by brother, Bill.  Who, more than the rest of us, tends to let his food get away from him.

Dart!  Snap!  Gobble!  Gone!

All in a twinkling.

Then, Dutchess returns to her spot.  Regains her composure.  Waits patiently at attention for the next crumb to fall.

Hoping for more.

Happy with what she gets.
Can you find happiness even in the 'crumbs' of life?

Will you pray with me?
We are so thankful, Father, that You have called us Your children and invite us to feast at Your divine table.  May we ever remember and pray for those who are hungry in body, mind, and spirit.  Give us grace to feed them with the knowledge and love of Jesus, the Bread of Life.  Amen.

Psalms 89:1-18 or 89:19-52
Genesis 49:1-28
1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1
Mark 7:24-37  


  1. I have learned to be happy and satisfied with the 'crumbs' I receive in life. My life has taken many turns over the last 5 years, giving me many messages :)

  2. It is pretty amazing, Mary, what we CAN do with those crumbs handed us in life. With faith and hope, we can move mountains!
    Thanks so much for stopping by today!
    Love and blessings!

  3. Dogs love so unconditionally. If we lived as much for the crumbs as they do and appreciated even them as much, how much happier all the world would be, don't you think?

    1. Oh, yes, Kathy! What a happier world it would be if we were ever content with all our blessings, no matter how small. And, dogs do teach us so much about unconditional love . . .
      Thanks so much for dropping by today!
      Blessings to you!

  4. Martha, great story! Yes, I'm very happy with the crumbs. Some days I even get a full meal. so to speak.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Cathy, and glad you liked the story!
      If we can be content with the crumbs, when the full-meal-deal comes our way, we are ever so much more appreciative. :)
      Blessings to you!

  5. "happy with what she gets". I can be honest with you right Martha, I don't really have a big serving of what the world has to offer – I have a lot of crumbs, and have learned to be content with crumbs, so long as I have a main portion of God. Like Peter in the waves – it's only when I take my eyes off of the Savior that I begin to sink. But mostly I don't – anyone who knows me in real life runs the gamut of being surprised I've failed as much as I have – and if they look at me with worldly eyes they look with a little disdain - to the other side of the spectrum - gazing in wonder at how I keep getting up – that I just never stay down for long – I fall down a lot – but I get up a lot – I wish my plate were more full – I wish I had more than scraps– I'll just practice being more like Dutchess - and probably her new mama. God bless you Martha. And stop writing things that make me leak heavy details all over your comments section! Deal?

    1. Oh, Craig, I wish I could make that "deal" with you, but please, please know that I heart your heartfelt comments here. Always!
      You made me think of these song lyrics: "I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down . . ." When Jesus is the focus of our lives, His hand is ever outstretched to grab ours, to pick us up, and plant us firmly in His love. Even when it feels as though life is giving us only the scraps, we are fed richly and beyond measure.
      When we see Him, believe Him, and refuse to panic as poor Peter did (I love Peter because he reminds us all of how God sees us as diamonds when we're still in the rough), we are fed, nourished, and complete.
      Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend!
      Blessings always!

  6. I am happy and content with the crumbs of life I have, I do however bring more to my life by reaching out and engaging. I take great joy in the relationships I have built doing so.

    1. So glad you stopped by, Jan! Thank you!
      It is so important to be happy and content with what we do have. And, there is certainly nothing wrong with stretching ourselves, reaching out to others, and expanding our horizons. Very healthy outlook!
      Blessings to you!

  7. Of all the Bible passages, this one never cease to touch me in many ways. It is such a humbling experience. I could imagine Jesus looking at the woman with so much compassion.

    I find myself too arrogant at times to receive crumbs. But reflecting on it further, those crumbs made me closer to God. They put me back to reality and how I should be before God.

    I pray with you with a truly grateful heart for all that God gifts us with.

    1. Melissa, no one could have said this any better. Yes, we should be humble before the Lord. As John the Baptist said, "we are unworthy to untie His sandal" let alone eat at the same table with Him. The crumbs should be all we expect.
      Yet, in His great love for us, we are lifted up and seated honorably at the feast where His love and grace feed our hearts and souls. We are infinitely blessed!
      Thank you for this beautiful comment, my friend.


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