Friday, March 2, 2012

"In Your Easter Bonnet, With All the Frills Upon It . . . "

Mark 2:21
"No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment.  Otherwise, the new piece will pull away from the old, making the tear worse."

I can't tell you the last time I bought a dress.  Not because I can't buy one, but because I hardly ever have cause to wear one.

Not even to church.

Our contemporary service welcomes casual attire.  And, I welcome being able to wear my jeans seven days a week.

There are two services a year, however, when my jeans stay in the closet:  Christmas Eve and Easter.  Somehow, wearing pants of any description seems incongruous on these high holy days.

So, last Christmas, out comes the trusty holiday jumper with its tasteful sprigs of embroidered holly gracing a black bodice.  Add a white turtleneck and some black boots, and I'm good to go.

Last Easter, I pull my special occasion dress from the rack.  Presto!  All decked out and ready to welcome the Lord with "alleluias" silenced these forty days of Lent.

But, there is that tug.  A disquieting whisper in my heart . . .

This is Easter . . . shouldn't you be wearing something new?

"That's just an old tradition," I say to myself, trying to brush away my sudden unease.  "Mostly for kids since they outgrow their clothes and have to have new ones."

Is it?  Is it, really?

In reading today's scripture, it hits me.  We wear new clothing on Easter because Jesus has restored us through His glorious resurrection.

What better outward and visible sign could we show for this than by donning a fresh, never-before-worn outfit?  One that reminds us of the redeeming grace of our Lord?

Who has made all things new.

Within and without . . .
What will you be wearing this Easter?

Will you pray with me?
We thank you, Father, for the new life given to us through Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.  May we honor the new creations we are through Him in all our thoughts, words, and deeds.  And, when we fall short of the mark, Lord, please forgive us.  Amen.

Psalms 40, 54 or 51
Genesis 40:1-23
1 Corinthians 3:16-23
Mark 2:13-22  


  1. I don't know what I'll be wearing for Easter this year, maybe my mom will get me some new clothes like she did last year. : )

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Joseph!
      Here's hoping your mom will buy something new for you. I know I plan to hit the stores. :)
      Blessings to you!

  2. What a wise reflection Martha. I have never thought about it in that respect. I, like you, am not much in the market for buying new clothes. I am quite content in my jeans and t-shirts. But your post makes so much sense! Great reflections :)

    1. Thanks so much, Mary, for stopping by today!
      Truthfully, I hadn't either until I had these very thoughts last Easter. And, truthfully, too, I'm not one who enjoys the mall or shopping, but I will be getting out there looking for the perfect dress soon. :)
      Blessings always!

  3. I do not go to church anymore as I am not a follower of organized religion these days but when I did, growing up my parents always bought us new special clothes for Easter mass and I did for years myself but I don't think it is necessary and I would never think less of anyone who would show up to church or mass wearing jeans.

    1. Thanks so much, RoseAnn, for stopping by today!
      I have many friends on Facebook and here at home who do not regularly attend church, but who are staunch believers. Organized religion is just not for some people, and I do understand that.
      And, yes, we should never judge how someone dresses when coming to church, but greet and love them in the name of Christ.
      Blessings to you!

    2. I am a huge believer and follower of Jesus :)

  4. Hi Martha. :-) I'm not really the type of person who enjoys shopping for clothes. I'm a simple person who dresses simply. And I'm really satisfied with what's in the closet as long as I feel comfortable wearing it and it still fits. :-)

    Thank you for another beautiful reflection, Martha! God bless! :-)

  5. On the lighter side Martha, I already bought new clothes for Easter ;) I miss the bright colors already :P

    One thing I learned from an Italian friend was to wear something different every Sunday. She told me, it's like meeting your boyfriend, having a date or better being with the One you love so I have to be 'extra' beautiful on that day ;)

    But aside from that is the other half of your reflection...beautiful 'inside out'. It's easier to prepare the outer clothing than the inner one.

    And I pray with you, clothed in Christ's love...I love your prayer and reflection today :) It makes me eager for Easter:)

    1. Thanks so much, Melissa, for stopping by and leaving this beautiful comment.
      I do love your friend's sentiment. We should look as beautiful on the outside as we feel toward Him on the inside. And, yes, the outer preparation is the easiest one, but means the most when your inside is prepared, too.
      Oh, and I will be going shopping for Easter clothes soon. With you, I'm already looking forward to that glorious day!
      Thank you for praying with me, my dear!
      Many blessings!

  6. I'm a jeans type person myself! I've always gone to more contemporary services and have been grateful for the laid back atmosphere in terms of dress attire. I think, though, that putting on something new and different can be a great idea to symbolize how all things are made new through Christ.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Jessica.
      Yes, I've really grown to love the casual attire at our service; it was awkward at first after attending the Episcopal Church for so long, but this is truly more of a "fit" for me.
      And, as I mentioned in some previous comments, I will be going shopping (not my favorite thing) and buying something new and festive for Easter. :)
      Blessings always!

  7. I love dressing up :) Unfortunately live in the countryside is simple and we don`t always have opportunities to dress up. Your post inspired me and I will wear something new for Easter. I love what it symbolizes!

    1. Thanks so much, Nelieta, and for sharing your thoughts with everyone.
      Yes, there are times when I, too, like to get "all dolled up", but, like you, I don't have too many occasions to do so. Glad you are inspired to wear something new for Easter. I will be doing the same!
      Blessings to you!

  8. Martha - I'm waiting to see pics of you in your Easter outfit! In India, when we were young, you always wore new clothes first to church and then elsewhere - as if in gratitude and to bless the clothes :)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Corinne!
      Yes, I will take some photos! :)
      I love this Indian tradition - showing gratitude and blessing the clothes. So glad you shared this with everyone here. I will be mindful of this Easter Sunday.
      Blessing always! <3

  9. I can't help but think of Fred Astaire and Judy Garland during Easter. I know it has nothing to do with the religious perspective, but I love this moving and the amazing bonnets. I so wish I could pull that off.. I am most a jeans kind of woman. I dress them up, but it's the vintage hippy in me. So no frill.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Brenda!
      I know it sounds crazy, but I have only seen clips of this movie, never the entire thing. I must make a point to do so.
      Yep, count me in when it comes to jeans. Always wear my best ones to church, though. :)
      Blessings to you!

  10. Traditions… what an appropriate Scripture you used for this devotion, and what a wonderful message and unique take on Easter! My mother always bought me a new dress and bonnet, but I don’t know what I’ll be wearing this Easter. “Take no thought for tomorrow, what you’ll eat or wear… “Just kidding! Have a great weekend Martha!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Debra - always wonderful to see you here!
      To tell you the truth, the scripture chooses me! Part of those daily readings where I have to let a story speak through God's word. This one, about the new outfit for Easter, just seem to fit.
      Yes, I try not to give thought to tomorrow in the sense of worry. I pray to just be prepared for what comes. :)
      Blessings to you and have a wonderful weekend as well! <3

  11. hmm... I always buy something new for my kids; never for myself... you've inspired me!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Amy!
      Yes! Get something for yourself this year, too! I'm actually getting pumped up about shopping after posting this and getting so many wonderful comments here.
      Blessings always!


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