Saturday, March 24, 2012

"Not Because of What I've Done, but Because of Who You Are . . ."

Genesis 3:14
God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM.  This is what you are to say to the Israelites:  'I AM has sent me to you.'"

Who am I?

Haven't we all asked that question?

And, gotten many diverse and different answers along life's path?

A child.  A parent.  Church member.  Entrepreneur.  Husband.  Wife.  College student.  Cook.  Homemaker.  Singer.  Writer.  Trainer.  Teacher.  Coach.  Photographer.  Lover.  Best friend.

The list is endless . . .

We all wear different hats and juggle many roles depending on our situation and the people with whom we surround ourselves.  The people who, by the very nature of our relationships and experience, would define us.  Place us in a box.

Perhaps, it is an elegantly wrapped box tied with a satin bow.  But, it is a box nonetheless.

And, it doesn't really answer the question.

Who am I?

Because, so much of who we are, at least to others, is determined by what we do.  How we act.  Where we work.  Where we play.  How our time is spent.

All of which are finite, subjective assessments of our true selves.  A partial picture.  With so many missing pieces . . .

The pieces living within us.  Deep inside.  The ones that only we can use to solve the puzzle of our being.

Introspection.  Discernment.  Silence.  Prayer.

Who am I?

A sinner.  In need of salvation.

A saint.  Transformed by God's grace.

An heir.  A child of God.

I am because He is.

And, was, and is to come . . .
Who are you?

Will you pray with me?
It is in You, Father, that we live and move and have our being.  Because You dwell in us, we can dwell in you.  Only You define the "who" we are.  May all glory, honor and majesty be Yours, world without end.  Amen.

Psalms 107:33-43, 108:1-6 (7-13)  or 33
Exodus 2:23-3:15
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Mark 9:14-29  


  1. Martha...this is such a beautiful post! I love the way you actually broke it down to remind us that we are so much more than what we appear on the outside. Big hugs to you sweetie, xo

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by today, Leah!
      Glad you enjoyed today's post. Yes, we are so much more than the roles we play, aren't we? :)
      Hugs and blessings!

  2. wonderful post Martha....we don so many roles with ease and even without realizing it. Thanks for reminding us.

    1. Glad you could stop by today, Janaki!
      Yes, either we don the roles or they're assigned to us, but they certainly don't define who we truly are.
      Blessings to you!

  3. WOW Who am I.......such a tough question....jeeeeez i really can't answer this... I know certain traits...that i am proud of in me..and some I don't like... but when asked that question..Who am I...I just don't have that answer......UUUGGGHHHH...As always...XOXOXOXO

    1. Great to see you here, Bonnie!
      It is a tough question to answer. We can boil it down sometimes as I did in this post, but I think, as we grow spiritually, the answers can change.
      Blessings to you!

  4. Who am I, like anyone else I am many things. What I am first is natures child...beautiful post Martha.

    1. So glad you liked the post, Jan; thanks so much for stopping by today!
      Blessings to you!

  5. This is so beautiful Martha. Only God defines who we are ~ I truly agree with that. I wish to be God's expression of love.

    I pray with you.

    1. Oh, that all of us could live our lives as expressions of God's love! Wouldn't that change the world?
      Thanks so much for stopping by and, of course, praying with me!
      Blessings to you!


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