Sunday, March 18, 2012

"'Cause He's Got High Hopes, He's Got High Hopes . . ."

Romans 8:24
For in this hope we were saved.  But hope that is seen is no hope at all.  Who hopes for what they already have?

Hope . . .

A simple word that packs a powerful punch.

Right up there with "love".

Generates expectation.  Longing.  Promise.  Faith.

From the smallest want to the grandest.

I hope . . . You hope . . . We hope . . .

For the sun to come out.  No traffic.  To be on time.  To get well.  A job promotion.  Successful marriage.  Better times.

And, we hope not just for ourselves, but for those we love.

I hope . . . You hope . . . We hope . . . that they . . .

Have sunny days while on vacation.  Safe travel.  Make their flight.  Don't get hurt.  Land that position.  Have a blessed relationship.  Get through the rough times.

When we hope, we soar on the wings of anticipation.  Desire enthralls our hearts.

We fly freely toward the dream.  The goal.  The aspiration.

In hope, we keep going.  Keep moving forward. 

We hope because we are human.

We are human because we hope.

We hope in faith.

And, in faith, we find hope.
What are you hoping for today?

Will you pray with me?
Thank You, Father, for fulfilling our hope of salvation by sending Your Son, Jesus, to die for us and for our sins.  It is in hope we await His coming again in glory.  Amen.

Psalms 66, 67 or 19, 46
Genesis 48:8-22
Romans 8:11-25
John 6:27-40 


  1. It's something that keeps us going. It is God's best promise ever. I dream, I wish, I hope. I hope for better days for my brother.I hope for good things for the people I love.

    I pray with you. Our waiting is never in vain because Jesus is risen and God is true to His words.

  2. Thanks so much, Melissa, for stopping by today!
    Hope is truly what keeps all of us going, isn't it? And, we do not wait and hope in God's promise in vain, as you said here, as He is ever true and trustworthy in all things.
    Blessings to you, my friend!

  3. Hoping for hope....nice and inspirational Martha.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Janaki!
      Glad you found hope in this post, my friend. :)
      Blessings always!

  4. I'm hoping for peace to dawn in the hearts of those who are troubled. There are so many who need hope.

    Great post. :)

    1. What a beautiful hope to harbor, Jessica. There are, indeed, so many who are walking in darkness and cannot see the light. We do need to pray for them all . . .
      Thanks for stopping by today!
      Blessings always!

  5. Hope is the ship that carries us to our dreams. I hope for many things on a daily basis. Some are big, and like you said, some are small and incidental. But all are important to me. I hope you have an amazing day Martha, because you take so much time to help make other's hopes come true.
    Lovely devotion.

    1. Thanks so much for dropping in today, Leah, and leaving your wonderful comment!
      I am so touched by your words . . . I do pray that I can help others through these daily devotions. Give them hope.
      God is just too good, too wondrous, too magnificent not to share His Good News.
      And, yes, today has been amazing! :)
      Blessings and hugs to you!

  6. Hope is an expectation and a wish. The important question is what undergirds that hope? You've answered it of course: faith that is based on the truth and experience of God's promises and actions on our behalf. Thanks as always Martha for the inspiration!

    1. Thank you, Lynne, for taking the time to visit me today! So appreciated!
      Yes, we hope, indeed, in faith because we can trust God and His promises for our lives. Believing in Him, we know we are saved and we can wait with hope for His coming again.
      Blessings to you!

  7. Ahhhhhhh..."We hope in faith – and in faith we find hope"... That's beautiful my friend. It's when I believe – really believe – really jump all the way into the water – that's when I find the most peace and hope. I used to do this with the ocean. I heart the ocean. I heart looking at it at least – and I heart being on top of it – like in a boat – and I like that part of the sand where the water comes up to your ankles maybe – but I don't swim in it – I like water you can see through – I have "Jaws" issues. But by not swimming in it I miss out on part of the ocean. I guess it's kind of like not jumping all the way into faith – when we don't, we miss out on part of faith – and hope. Hmmmmmmmm. Maybe a future blog post – thank you for the inspiration! God bless and keep you Martha!!

    1. Craig, it is wonderful to see you here! Thank you for stopping by. I have had such a busy weekend, I haven't yet read your latest "Deep into Scripture" but will do so soon. :)
      Your analogy to the ocean and not liking "Jaws" compels me to refer you to my recent post "There is Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself". I discuss, to a degree, this very issue. Because, we need to be willing to plunge completely into faith, not just get our feet wet.
      I do hope these thoughts here have inspired one of your future blogs, my friend. Isn't it wonderful when ideas we share inspire each other? I know you have inspired me in more ways than I can count . . .
      Blessings to you!

  8. Martha you have a precious gift! Your writing is poetic but never without substance. I always leave your space with a nugget of knowledge or positive notion that I needed! Thank you!

    1. I hope that all the doors you knock upon are opened to you!

    2. Thank you for stopping by, Tameka!
      Your words have blessed my heart today, my dear. I am so gratified to know you enjoy the posts and can take those "nuggets" away with you.
      Blessings always!

  9. You know that I lack "hope" on most days....but yet I know I have a large tank full of hope for others...I have questioned why I can have such deep hope for others and not myself...but I do know, my friend that you hold on to hope for me...Thank you....As always...XOXOXOXOXOXO

    1. Bonnie, I hope you find healing, and I hope you know deep down, way down deep in your heart how much you are loved. xox

    2. I will always hold on in hope for and with you, Bonnie! You are ever in my thoughts and prayers - but, you already know that, don't you?
      Love seeing you here! Thanks so much for stopping by.
      Hugs and blessings!

  10. Martha, I hope you don't mind me taking it upon myself to answer your readers for you! lol!

    And here's my hope for you...

    May joy and peace surround you,
    Contentment latch your door,
    And happiness be with you now,
    And bless you evermore.

    1. Thank you, Debra, for your gracious answers and for this beautiful wish from you to me. I am truly touched!
      So lovely . . .
      May blessings fill your heart and home!

  11. Good Morning, Martha:
    Such a powerful word.
    Faith is another powerful word.
    I think hope and faith are siblings, two sides of the same coin. They both seek the same thing in the end, though both travel different roads to get to the same place.

    I love that you can attribute a simple word such as hope to your blog, Martha. You continue to amaze w/your knowledge.

    1. Chris, your words are too kind. I am just so grateful for God's gifts and that I can share my thoughts with other hoping and faithful persons like yourself.
      Thanks so much for stopping by!
      Blessings, my friend!


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