Monday, March 5, 2012

"You've Got a Friend in Me!"

Mark 3:13
Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him.

What do you look for in a friend?

Someone who thinks like you do?  A person with whom you can share any fear or secret or hope and know she will keep it safe?

Someone who will laugh with you?  Cry with you?

Show empathy and understanding?

And, be there for you at the drop of a hat?

Most importantly, are you willing to be for your friends what you desire from them?

True friendships create bonds which bind us together no matter what circumstances we face.

A life without friendship would not be worth living . . .

In today's scripture, Jesus calls the twelve.

Out of the hundreds following Him.


He doesn't choose them for their intellectual prowess, their social status, their good looks.

Or, even their faith, of which, He asserts more than once, they have very little.

He chooses them because they are His friends.

The ones He entrusts with the fate of the Son of Man.

The ones He knows will stumble and fall and fail Him.

But, who will never cease to love Him as He loves them.

And, who will, when all is said and done, come through it all with shining colors.

For they will carry the good news about the best friend they ever had to the ends of the earth.
Will you tell your friends today how much you love them?

Will you pray with me?
We are so thankful, Father, for friendships.  Our lives would be meaningless, empty, and so lonely without them.  Thank you for surrounding our Lord with the love and comfort of friends during His time here on earth.  Amen.

Psalms 56, 57 (58) or 64, 65
Genesis 41:46-57
1 Corinthians 4:8-20 (21)
Mark 3:7-19a  


  1. Hi Martha:
    I've been so fortunate in my life to be surrounded with such good friends. I have a core group of about seven nine friends who I count as my closest. We hang out Sunday Mornings at a local coffee place. In that group is the friend I count as the most important person in my life:
    --A person with whom you can share any fear or secret or hope and know she will keep it safe?

    -- And, be there for you at the drop of a hat?
    I'm so fortunate that I have these people in my life

    1. How awesome this is, Chris! Yes, you certainly are fortunate, indeed. Having friends is the joy of life!
      Thanks so much for stopping by today.
      Blessings always to you and to your treasured friends!

    2. I think a true friend helps you be transparent even when you don't want to and then even makes you feel good about it. Nothing is more precious than a friend who makes everyday a blessing.
      I have a few friends I always say I could sit around and do nothing with and it would still be the time of my life. Great post, Martha

    3. Thanks so much, Kathy, for dropping in and leaving this wonderful comment.
      So glad to know your friends are a blessing to you; isn't it amazing how good friends can have fun just being together.
      Blessings to you!

  2. Hi Martha...I love you...thanks for being my friend.

    1. Love you, too, Janaki! :) I'm so blessed to be your friend!

  3. We all need friends to walk with us along the path of life and I've been lucky to have a handful of trusted souls over the years. That said I consider myself guarded and don't allow many folks to enter my inner circle but friendship is a must. It's nice to be with others whom share the same interests, love to laugh, and provide support in times of need. Martha I certainly consider you a friend!!!!

    1. Thank you, David, for stopping by today; know I am honored to be considered your friend. :)
      And, yes, count yourself most fortunate for having that "handful of trusted souls" who have truly walked the walk with you through the years.
      Blessings to you!

  4. God blessed me with good friends, Martha. And you're one of them! So I'll give you a hug now... *hug* Thanks so much for being there when I needed a friend. :-)

    1. Thank you, Irene, for stopping by, for sending me a hug :), and for being my friend, too. I love your inspirations and always look forward to your next one.
      Blessings, my dear, and thanks again!

  5. I have lots of acquaintances but I keep few real good and intimate friends, like Jesus' inner circle (Peter, James and John). I've also been betrayed by some but that doesn't keep me from trusting new people. I am fortunate to have an artner who inspires me to keep on creating artworks. He pushes me to be a better person. I also met the bloggers through him and paved the way to blog. He's a friend in the virtual world.In the real world, my mom's my best friend. She's the only one who stayed with me when I got sick. I think only moms could do that.

    Sometimes, I find people very inconsistent with their show of affection ~ one day's okay the other days they don't notice. The only perfect and consistent friend I have is Jesus. He's so constant and loving and faithful.

    I do find Him in some people. I pray with you Martha :) Thanks for the reflection, it's a mini Lectio everyday as I get to spend time with you and Jesus through these sharings. You are a beautiful soul.

    1. Oh, Melissa, I am so touched by your kind words! You, too, are a most beautiful soul and I so love reading your thoughts and feelings shared here.
      I, like you, have many friends, but only a handful in what you call that "inner circle". I think that is how it is for most of us. I'm glad you have a friend who inspires your creativity and that you are best friends with your mom - that is, truly, a gift in this life!
      And, I agree, the only consistent friend we have is Jesus, our Lord, who never leaves us alone, who never fails to love us, just as we are.
      Blessings always to you, my dear and my prayer partner!

  6. Winter, Spring,Summer and Fall all you have to do is call.... Nice to know physical friends an God are always there for us....

    1. And, I'll be there, yes, I will . . . You've got a friend!
      I don't know what I would do if the Lord weren't there for me.
      Thanks for stopping by today, Cathy, and thanks for being a friend!

  7. Definitely all of the above :)

    1. All the above . . . definitely!
      Thanks so much for stopping by, J. R. ! Nice to know you are visiting with me.

  8. loved the post... Wow... friendships, I have a few really close friends that we've walked through dark times together, laughed until we cried, weddings, births, deaths and then those simple moments when we sit around the kitchen table, with a cup of coffee and gab.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Amy!
      I love how you've described all the wonderful things that friends share. Beautiful! :)
      Glad to know you enjoyed the post.

  9. Martha - Isn't is great that Jesus had such a variety of characters as friends. I'm so glad he showed us the way - non-judgmental and consistent love.

    1. Oh, yes, Corinne, He certainly had quite the variety! Yet, I feel, with each one, Jesus must have felt a special connection. And, He models perfectly that non-judgmental, unconditional love!
      Blessings to you!


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